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发布时间:2019-11-27 20:06来源:
康德元年壹分 1932年3月8日,溥仪就任伪满洲国执政,年号是大同,在1934年3月1日,在新京西郊杏花村,溥仪举行登基典礼,改满洲国为大满洲帝国,溥仪成了当时的傀儡皇帝。溥仪上位之后,年号



On March 8, 1932, Puyi took office as the pseudo-Manchurian state. The name was Datong. On March 1, 1934, Puyi held a ceremony to marry in Xinghua Village, the western suburb of Xinjing. The Emperor of Puppetry then. After Pu Yi was in power, the year was Kant. In the first year of Kant in 1934, the coins issued were always mixed with banknotes and coins, and they were produced in the Bank of Japan Mint.



Damanzhou was a puppet regime established by the Japanese invaders in the Northeast after the "September 18th Incident" in 1931. With this puppet regime, Japan implemented 14 years of colonial rule in Northeast China. This made the compatriots in Northeast China suffer the painful taste of "desperate slaves." The "territory" of this puppet regime includes the entire territory of the three provinces of the People's Republic of China: Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, eastern Inner Mongolia and northern Hebei. The Chinese National Government did not recognize the regime at the time. At that time, countries or governments led by Japan and other fascists recognized the pseudo-Manchuria. The League of Nations maintained that Northeast China was still a part of China, and the Chinese government had never recognized this puppet regime that splits the territories of Chinese territory.


This coin is one cent of the first year of Kant in Damanzhou. The front of the coin is inscribed with the word "Damanzhou", with five stars on each side, and the word "Kant's first year" under it. There is a peony flower in the back, and a double dragon play on the back. Zhutu and the word "one cent". Although the collection has experienced endless years, the texture is still clearly visible, and the rust on it has witnessed its historical accumulation. It has very obvious historical transition characteristics and has inexplicable collection value. This coin is well-preserved, and the text and outline of the coin are well-defined. It has high historical value, artistic value and collection value.



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