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发布时间:2020-12-11 15:50来源:

袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,“袁大头”是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫“袁世凯像背嘉禾银币”。北洋政府为了整顿币制,划一银币,于民国三年(1914年)二月,颁布《国币条例》十三条,决定实行银本位制度。《国币条例》规定:“以库平纯银六钱四分八厘为价格之单位,定名为圆”,“一圆银币,总重七钱二分,银八九,铜一一”,“一圆银币用数无限制”,即以一圆银币为无限法偿的本位贷币。根据这一规定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造币总厂及江南造币厂开铸一圆银币,币面镌刻袁世凯头像,俗称“袁头币”或“袁大头”。辛亥革命以后,袁世凯就任“临时大总统”之职,后又成为正式大总统。当时,为了巩固国内政局稳定,发展民族经济,也为“制宪”和“称帝”作准备,于是发布《国币条例》,毅然决定在全国“统一币制”。1912年4月袁世凯出任大总统。北洋政府鉴于当时铸币、纸币十分复杂,流通的中外货币在百种以上,规格不一,流通混乱,折算繁琐,民众积怨,同时也想借助货币改制以解决军费问题,便决定铸发国币。袁世凯为了提高自己的统治地位,趁机把他的头像铸于币面,“袁大头”由此而来. “袁大头”首次的铸造时间是民国三年,而且该币被定为中华民国国币,因此,它在我国的钱币史上具有非常重要的地位。

Yuan Datou was one of the main currency in circulation during the Republic of China. "Yuan Datou" is the colloquial term for the series of Yuan Shikai's portrait coins. Strictly speaking, it is called "Yuan Shikai's portrait back of the Golden Harvest Silver Coin". In order to rectify the currency system and standardize the silver coin, the Beiyang government promulgated 13 Articles of the National Currency Regulations in February of the Republic of China (1914) and decided to implement the silver standard system. The "National Currency Regulations" stipulate: "The price is based on Kuping's six quarters of pure silver, and the unit is named Yuan", "One round of silver coin, total weight of seven coins and two cents, silver eighty-nine, copper one one", " There is no limit to the number of one-yen silver coins", that is, one-yen silver coin is the standard credit currency with unlimited repayment. According to this regulation, in December 1914 and February 1915, one round of silver coins were minted by the Mint and Jiangnan Mint. The head of Yuan Shikai was engraved on the coin, commonly known as "Yuan Tou Coin" or "Yuan Head". . After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai assumed the post of "Interim President" and later became the official President. At that time, in order to consolidate the domestic political stability, develop the national economy, and prepare for the "constitution" and "proclaim the emperor", the "National Currency Regulations" were issued, and the country decided to "unify the currency system". In April 1912, Yuan Shikai became president. In view of the complexity of coinage and banknotes at the time, the circulation of more than one hundred Chinese and foreign currencies, different specifications, chaotic circulation, cumbersome conversion, and people's grievances, the Beiyang government also wanted to use currency reform to solve the military expenditure problem, so it decided to mint national currency. In order to improve his dominance, Yuan Shikai took the opportunity to cast his head on the currency, and the "Yuan Datou" came from this. The first time of "Yuan Datou" was cast in three years in the Republic of China, and the coin was designated as the national currency of the Republic of China. Therefore, it has a very important position in the history of my country's currency.

此藏品正面图案是袁世凯的侧面像,在头像的上方是纪年“中华民国三年”,年字后没有“造”字,别的年版都在年字后面有“造”字,三年版“民”字中有一点,而别的年版“民”字无点。背面的图案是中间汉字“壹圆”周围环嘉禾纹饰。钱币精良,币面清秀硬朗,包浆流光如油渗,铭文字体雕刻清晰、无磨损,表面平整光洁,边缘无明显撞击痕迹,制造工艺 也非常精美,形制规整,十分精致美观。

The front image of this collection is a profile portrait of Yuan Shikai. Above the head is the yearbook "Three Years of the Republic of China". There is no word "made" after the year. All other editions have the word "made" after the year. "There is a point in the word, but there is no point in the word "民" in other years. The pattern on the back is the golden circle around the Chinese character "一圆" in the middle. The coin is fine, the coin surface is delicate and tough, the patina is smooth and oily, the inscription is clearly carved without abrasion, the surface is smooth and clean, there is no obvious impact mark on the edge, the manufacturing process is also very exquisite, the shape is regular, and it is very delicate and beautiful.


The three-year-old Yuan head of the Republic of China is actually very scarce in the market, and this is a privately minted coin with a smaller amount of existence, and its circulation is not very large. Because of the age, many coins have been lost due to wars or accidents. It’s damaged, and some have even flown to the open sea, so it’s really not easy to find a treasure Yuan Datou. Since ancient times, things have been rare and precious. Many criminals are driven by interests to make coins. This shows that the significance of Yuan Datou's collection is immeasurable. The clear font of this collection belongs to the collection of hand-made coins. Has a very high collection value.

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