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发布时间:2019-06-24 09:35来源:
银币双旗币 编号: DBPM--00010 直径: 3.3cm 重量: 13.2g Silver Double Flag coin Number: DBPM - 00010 Diameter: 3.3cm Weight: 13.2g 中国拥有着悠久的货币历史,近代中国在西方货币制度的影响下,建立制度











Silver Double Flag coin

Number: DBPM - 00010

Diameter: 3.3cm

Weight: 13.2g



China has a long history of currency. Under the influence of the western monetary system, modern China established a system. Because Yunnan coins are different from those in the whole country, they have been used as the main currency for a long time, and they have been used for half a century. Yunnan's semi-open silver coins, which have been used for a long time, a wide range and great influence, occupy an extremely important position in Yunnan's modern economic and monetary and financial history.


This Yunnan semi-circular silver coin is 3.3cm in diameter and 13.2g in weight. The coins are round in shape, with four characters of "half-circle silver coin" in the front bead circle, the words "made in Yunnan Province" in the top outside of the bead circle, the coin value "Kuping 3.6 cents" in the bottom, the cross pattern of the central two flags on the back, and the words "Republic of China 21" on the top. They are exquisitely carved, well preserved and of good quality. The pulp is old, the handwriting is clear, the edges and teeth are complete, and the whole product is in good condition. This semi-circular silver coin made in Yunnan Province is divided into three and six pieces, which is a rare collection of heavy goods, and has great collection value.


The inconsistency of the main coins in the early stage of the silver dollar system in modern China made it possible for the semi-open silver dollar to become the main coin in circulation in Yunnan in modern times. The fundamental reason is that it is more suitable for the relatively backward social and economic level of Yunnan, so the self-made silver yuan in Yunnan and silver coins in the circulation market are very rare, and now the collection market has a high collection value and investment value.









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