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发布时间:2019-06-24 10:31来源:
袁大头 编号: DBPM--00013 直径: 3.9cm 重量: 26.7g Big head Yuan Number: DBPM - 00013 Diameter: 3.9cm Weight: 26.7g 一提到银元收藏,不得不提 袁大头 。所谓的 袁大头 是指在辛亥革命后,袁世凯为了解









Big head Yuan

Number: DBPM - 00013

Diameter: 3.9cm

Weight: 26.7g



When it comes to silver collection, we have to mention "Yuan Datou". The so-called "Yuan Datou" refers to the silver currency issued by Yuan Shikai after the 1911 Revolution in order to solve military expenditure and improve his personal political status, which was named for its side image. The rise and fall of international gold and silver prices have also stimulated the traditional collection market. In the past five years, the "Yuan Datou" in the Republic of China has only risen but not fallen.


Recently, Dequan Culture has been fortunate to collect a Yuan Datou with regular shape, clear print on the front and back, natural silver rust pulp, good taste and collection value. The front of the silver coin is Yuan Shikai's left half-length portrait, which depicts deep and vivid features. The details of shoulder badge, plaque and ribbon are three-dimensional and clear. It is called "Yuan Datou" because the coin surface has the image of Yuan Shikai. The portrait is listed in "Three Years of the Republic of China" in complex style, with elegant and neat fonts. Silver coins are decorated with Jiahe grain on the back, interacting left and right, tied with a belt below, and cast with the word "one circle" in the middle. Collections have been handed down over a long period of time to date, with historical traces, adding to the aesthetic sense, and Yuan Datou has always been rare, more precious, is really a good coin treasure, worth collecting.


Although the coin is small, the cultural content condensed is remarkable. As far as Yuan Datou coin is concerned, its positive figure shows that Yuan Shikai was in power at that time, while the writing reveals the ideological hope of "democracy, republicanism, constitutionalism and constitutional monarchy". The Jiahe decoration on the back is also worthy of careful taste. In ancient times, the abnormal growth of seedlings such as "Jiahe" was called "Jiahe", which was regarded as a sign of political clarity and peace in the world. The coin implies that the country attaches great importance to agriculture and mulberry and takes people's livelihood as its foundation; the other idea takes the homonym of Jiahe and implies the meaning of "family and prosperity of all things". Undoubtedly, this coin has a profound implication, so it has a high value of collection and research.








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