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发布时间:2019-06-25 10:16来源:
陕西嘉辉艺术品拍卖有限公司【藏.荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖


陕西嘉辉艺术品拍卖有限公司【藏.荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。

Shaanxi Jiahui Art Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by national first-level appraisal experts to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and can be sold at high prices in the auction.


【规格】重量:19.50g   直径:37.92mm

【类别】 钱币

Yuan Shikai Jiahe Silver Coin

[Specification] Weight: 19.50g Diameter: 37.92mm

[Category] Coins






[Collection Description]

The front design of "Yuan Datou" silver coin is the left side image of Yuan Shikai in the middle. The top of the 10-year edition of the Republic of China is "10 years of the Republic of China", and the 8, 9 and 3-year edition of the Republic of China is "annually made of the Republic of China".

"Yuan Datou" silver coin has two intersecting ears on the back, with the words "one circle", "middle circle" (fifty fen), "base angle" and "one corner" in the center, and the words "every two is a circle", "every five is a circle" and "every ten is a circle" above the latter. The outer ring of the coin is mainly straight-toothed edge, in addition, there are a few I-shaped edges and lace edges.




[Background of issuance]

Yuan Shikai became President in April 1912. In view of the complexity of coinage and banknotes, the current Chinese and foreign currencies were more than 100 kinds, with different specifications, confused circulation, cumbersome conversion, and people's complaints. At the same time, the Beiyang government decided to use currency restructuring to solve the military expenditure problem, so it decided to coin the national currency. In order to improve his dominant position, Yuan Shikai took the opportunity to cast his head on the face of the coin, from which "Yuan Datou" came.



“袁大头”的收藏价值   由于“袁大头”退出货币市场后,一直成为银元收藏者特别是初入门的爱好者的首选对象;由于存世量大,它的市场价格也一直比较稳定。属老银币中的低价潜力品种。由于中华民国十年袁大头制作数量极少,且流传至今己有百年,因此极其珍稀。中华民国十年袁大头壹圆一经出现,绝对是众多藏家争相竞夺的对象,具有超高的投资和收藏价值,是万中遇一的极品钱币,值得藏家们倾情收藏。

[Collection Value]

The collection value of "Yuan Datou" has always been the preferred target for silver dollar collectors, especially beginners, since "Yuan Datou" quit the money market. Because of its large stock, its market price has been relatively stable. It belongs to the low-price potential variety of old silver coins. Because the production of Yuan Datou in the Republic of China is very few in ten years and has been circulated for one hundred years, it is extremely rare. Once Yuan Datou yianyuan appeared in the ten years of the Republic of China, it was definitely the object that many collectors competed for. It has super high investment and collection value. It is the best coin in ten thousand, and it is worth collecting.







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