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发布时间:2019-07-12 09:15来源:
圣翰德嘉庆通宝精品推荐 嘉庆通宝是中国古代钱币之一,铸于清仁宗嘉庆年间(1796-1820年)。嘉庆帝的年号与传统习俗文明中吉祥文字一样或谐音,嘉庆的嘉涵义完美调和;此外,嘉庆通



Jiaqing Tongbao is one of the ancient coins in China. It was coined during the reign of Renzong in Qing Dynasty (1796-1820). The year number of Jiaqing Emperor is the same or homophonic as the auspicious words in traditional customs and civilization, and the meaning of Jiaqing is perfectly harmonized. In addition, Jiaqing Tongbao belongs to one of the five emperors'money, which is used to express the wish of blessing. Therefore, Jiaqing Tongbao is very popular with Tibetan friends and has collection value.


Jiaqing Tongbao was cast during the reign of Renzong in Qing Dynasty (1796-1820). The money is 2.2-2.6 centimeters in diameter and weighs 2-4 grams. Qian literary character "Jiaqing Tongbao" is written in regular , read directly from top to bottom, right to left. Qian recites the left "treasure" of Manchu and the right is the name of Manchu Casting Bureau, such as Spring, Source, Su, River, Guangzhou, Shaanxi, etc. Qian literary character "Jiaqing Tongbao" is written in regular , read directly from top to bottom, right to left. Qian recites the left "treasure" of Manchu, and the name of the right record bureau is 19 words.





藏品直径:23.86mm 重量:3.68g


This coin is Jiaqing Tongbao, the body of the coin is dark brown, rusty, natural, quality brass. The front regular of coin "Jiaqing Tongbao" reads directly from top to bottom, right to left, with regular font shape, coordinated layout and vertical erection. Manchu on the back is the word Baoshan Bureau. It is also neat in writing, powerful in pen and beautiful in style. This coin is a rare Jiaqing Tong precious sample money, so it is very precious and has a very high collection value and appreciation space




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