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发布时间:2019-07-13 00:40来源:
精品推荐:贵州汽车银币 民国初年,贵州省流通的银元主要有外省银元及外国银元。外省流入的银元约150万元,外国银元约3万元。1924年4月,黔军第三师驻扎贵州赤水,该师修械所奉师



In the early years of the Republic of China, the main silver dollars circulated in Guizhou Province were those from other provinces and those from other countries. The inflow of silver yuan from other provinces is about 1.5 million yuan, and that from foreign countries is about 30,000 yuan. In April 1924, the third division of the Guizhou Army was stationed in Chishui, Guizhou Province. The division was ordered by the commander Zhou Xicheng to reduce its fineness and forge a variety of silver coins, known as Chishui Silver Yuan, also known as the "Red Ocean". In the early stage, Sichuan silver coin was imitated as a circle, printed with the "Zhou" character stamp, the color is 50%, so it is also known as the "Zhou Da Edition". The red silver dollar was named after it. The inflow into neighbouring countries saves time and is rejected as a bad currency. In June 1926, Zhou Xicheng was appointed governor and governor of Guizhou Province and presided over provincial government in Guizhou. In the face of the situation of refusing to use red-made silver yuan in Guiyang City, Zhou Xicheng stipulated that all government funds and taxes should be paid with red-made silver yuan and Bank of China exchange certificates should be refused. The Bank of China Guizhou Branch was forced to close down and clean up, and the issuance and circulation of red-manufactured silver yuan were expanded. From 1927 to 1929, Guiyang Mint continued to produce one yuan of inferior "Sichuan silver coin" with a fineness of 50% to 63%.15611956945747221927年4月,周西成批准在贵阳市大南门外华家纸厂筹设造币厂。7月,造币厂派专人赴镇购置造币设备,正式开工铸造银元。1927年6月,南京造币厂奉南京国民政府财政部之命,开铸中山像开国纪念币壹圆新币。周西成令贵阳造币厂改为仿铸壹圆新币的型式,成色仍为50%一63%,大量铸造。流入外省仍被视为劣币而遭到抵制,1929年停铸。1949年7月1日,陷于全面崩溃的贵州国民政府行政院决决《银元及银元兑换券发行办法》,宣怖恢复银本位。贵州省政府主席谷正伦指示财政厅长潘锡之迅速筹组造币厂,铸造贵州省民国三十八年竹枝银元壹圆。该厂开工不足一个月,所铸银元不足1万枚。并铸有廿分银币。存世尚有半圆和廿分样币。1949年,国民第八十九军军长剑伯龙为解决填充军队的经费,私设造币厂铸造银元,型式仿自民国二十三年壹圆本位币,铸额约3万枚。人称“剑伯龙私铸银币”。中国人民解放军第二野战军挺进黔东后,11月5日,八十九修械所停止私铸银元。

In April 1927, Zhou Xicheng approved the establishment of a mint at Huajia Paper Mill outside Dananmen, Guiyang City. In July, the Mint sent a special person to the town to purchase coinage equipment and formally started casting silver dollars. In June 1927, under the orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Nanjing National Government, the Nanjing Mint coined a new coin in commemoration of the founding of Zhongshan Statue. Zhou Xicheng ordered Guiyang Mint to imitate a new round of coins. The fineness was still 50% to 63%, and a large number of coins were minted. The inflow into the provinces was still regarded as a bad currency and was resisted. It ceased to be minted in 1929. On July 1, 1949, the Executive Yuan of Guizhou National Government, trapped in a complete collapse, decided on the Measures for Issuing Silver and Silver-dollar Exchange Notes, declaring a fearful restoration of the Silver Standard. Gu Zhenglun, chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Government, instructed Pan Xizhi, director of the Finance Department, to quickly organize a mint to forge a silver yuan of bamboo branches in the thirty-eighth year of the Republic of Guizhou. The plant has been in operation for less than a month, with less than 10,000 silver dollars cast. And twenty cents. Half a circle and twenty cents still exist. In 1949, Jianbolong, the commander of the 89th National Army, set up a private mint to mint silver dollars in order to solve the problem of filling the army's funds. The Mint was modeled after the one-yuan standard coin of the twenty-third year of the Republic of China, with an amount of about 30,000 coins. It is called "Jianbolong Minted Silver Coin Privately". After the Second Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army marched into eastern Guizhou, on November 5, the 89th Armament Institute stopped casting silver dollars privately.1561195699555873


Local silver coins in Guizhou Province. Guiyang Mint. On the front, the central crabapple flowers are arranged in a ring of "Guizhou silver coins". On the outside of the bead circle are "the seventeen years of the Republic of China", and on the bottom are "one circle", with four flower stars arranged in left and right. A car on the central highway on the back, in the roadside grassland industry, the word "Xicheng" is composed of grass leaves to be remembered by secret. Outside the Pearl circle, there are "made by Guizhou Provincial Government" and "seven-dollar-two-cent" below, which means Ji Chongkuping has seven-dollar-two-cent, with four flower stars arranged in left and right. Guiyang Mint adopted the combination of handicraft industry and semi-mechanization, resulting in a large number of silver coins in Guizhou. The diameter is about 39 mm and the weight is 25.4 G.

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