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③⑤中华民国三年袁大头一组 精品推荐

发布时间:2019-07-13 00:50来源:
圣翰德中华民国三年袁大头一组 精品推荐 银制钱币是当今钱币收藏市场中被投资者们着重关注的一大门类,尤其是民国时期的银元。民国时期银元种类版式众多,每一款都饱含历史留

圣翰德——中华民国三年袁大头一组  精品推荐


袁大头银元袁世凯称帝后为解决军费需求、提高个人政治地位、全国统一币制而下令铸发的一款银质钱币。其铸造跨度从1914年至1929年,纪年从民国三年到民国十年,总发行量超过 7.5 亿枚,是民国时期的主要流通货币之一。袁大头.的铸造量之大,流通性之广,影响性之大,在中国银制钱币史上无可比拟。

Silver coins are a major category that investors pay attention to in the coin collection market, especially the silver dollars in the Republic of China. During the Republic of China, there were many types of silver dollars, each of which was full of historical significance. Among them, Yuan Datou silver dollar is one of the main coins in circulation in the Republic of China, so the casting amount is huge, the circulation period is long, and the ornamentation is exquisite, the implication is beautiful, it is a kind of silver dollar which is almost well known today. Because of its strong historical and cultural origin, casting materials maintain and resist decline, collection risk is small, is an excellent choice in the coin collection market.


Yuan Daotou Yinyuan Yuan Shikai ordered the casting of a silver coin in order to solve the military demand and improve the personal political status of the whole country in order to solve the military demand and improve the personal political status. Its casting span from 1914 to 1929, from the year of the Republic of China to the decade of the Republic of China, the total circulation of more than 750 million, is one of the main currency in circulation during the period of the Republic of China. Yuan Dadou's casting volume, liquidity and influence are unparalleled in the history of Chinese silver coins



 The face of money is five sides of Yuan Shikai, with the hope of "democracy, republic, constitutional government and monarchy". Qian memorized the central record value of "one yuan", and the outer ring has the implication of "peace and peace of the country and people, home and prosperity of all things". The Yuan Dachou silver element is regular in shape, exquisite in ornamentation, meaningful in calligraphy, smooth in line and uniform in tooth spacing. It can be seen that the casting technology is excellent. Silver is bright and natural, with obvious transmission of paste, enough to keep the mark; the preserved product is in good condition, it is a rare coin in modern silver coins, with a very high collection. Tibetan appreciation value and investment appreciation potential.


Yuan Datou is called "the Treasure of Silver Yuan" in the monetary collection circle. It plays an important role in the reform of China's currency system and the stable development of economy. It represents the monetary culture of modern China, and also reflects the social, economic, political and financial conditions in the period of the Republic of China, which is of great historical significance. In addition, Yuan Dadou casting material is excellent, as a national coin casting process to control strictly, fine products one after another, each Yuan Dotou is precious.


此藏品为中华民国三年(款)钱币,重:26.93g 39.88mm 26.61g 39.5mm正面铸袁世凯侧面像,上端铸“中华民国三年”纪年,背面以双穗交叉嘉禾纹装饰,中央嵌铸有“壹圆”币值;此币保管完好,品相上乘,其整体轮廓架构精致舒展,规正平整,极为精致美观;而且其设计精巧,工艺讲究,版面纹饰、字体清晰流畅,精致俊美,呈现出一种极为清晰的立体感,整体犹如一幅精美绝伦的艺术品,颇具艺术价值和欣赏价值。另外,此币铸造于军阀混战的民国时期,见证了民国时期的历史,也见证了当时的社会经济状况、政治风貌、历史背景等史实,是如今不可多得的历史实物,考研价值颇高,加以近年收藏市场大热,中华民国三年(款)钱币更是得到了各界收藏者的认可,投资空间巨大,值得收藏!

This collection is the three year(paragraph)coin of the Republic of China, weight:26.93g39.88mm26.61g39.5mm front cast Yuan Shikai side image, the upper end is cast with``the third year of the Republic of China'' , the back is decorated with double-ear cross grain, the center is embedded with the currency value of``one yuan'' ;The coin is in good storage, excellent quality, and its overall outline structure is exquisite and flexible, regular and flat, extremely exquisite and beautiful;Moreover, its design is exquisite, exquisite technology, layout, clear and smooth font, exquisite, presents a very clear three-dimensional sense, as a fine art, very artistic value and appreciation.  Value. In addition, this coin was cast in the period of the Republic of China where warlords scuffled, witnessed the history of the Republic of China, but also witnessed the social and economic situation, political style, historical background and other historical facts, is now a rare historical object, the value of postgraduate entrance examination is quite high, in recent years, the collection of market hot, the Republic of China three years (money) coins have been recognized by collectors from all walks of life, the investment space is huge, worthy of collection!




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