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发布时间:2019-07-13 04:22来源:
圣翰德开元通宝精品推荐 唐以前的货币差不多都以重量为名称。唐高祖李渊武德四年(621年)始铸开元通宝,标志了铢两货币体系的终结和宝文钱制的建立。开元通宝钱以文为单位,大小



Before the Tang Dynasty, almost all currencies were named after weight. Tang Gaozu Li Yuan wushu four years (621) before casting "Kaiyuan Tongbao", marked the end of the two baht currency system and the establishment of the Baowen money system. Kaiyuan Tongbao "money" as a unit, the size of the Han five baht, money diameter eight minutes, weight of two baht, every 10 literary weight of one or two. This is the beginning of the change from Chinese balance law to decimal. Qianwen Zhuan of Kaiyuan Tongbao is written by Ouyang Inquiry Institute. Why is it called Kaiyuan? Kaiyuan on the death of the meaning of a new era, reflecting the Tang Dynasty all-inclusive, grand atmosphere, enterprising spirit. Kaiyuan Tongbao is also written by Ouyang inquiry.


直径:25.29mm 重量:3.9g


This piece of Kaiyuan Tongbao has good quality, regular shape, fine texture, fine handwriting, fine engraving, rare amount of money in the world, and high value in collection. We can see that the coin is of very good color. Kai Yuan Bao Tong Bao cast a good character, with distinctive characteristics. Its pulp into the bone mature old nature deep typing mouth clear circulation trace is a hot collection of ancient coins in the world of treasures today such as we see this Kaiyuan Tongbao such coins have a very high investment value and treasure value. It has the historical edification, has the profound historical memorial significance.



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