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发布时间:2019-07-16 21:25来源:
重庆际华拍卖有限公司 重庆际华拍卖有限公司,为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在




【名称】 宣字款荷叶浮雕盘口银碗

【规格】 上口径 58.1mm    4个共重269.4g

【类别】  杂项









宣字款荷叶浮雕盘口银碗。宣德为明第五代皇帝宣宗朱瞻基年号,即公元1426年至1435年,前后共十年。距今已经有500多年的历史。而此套宣字底银碗经过严谨反复的审核评估,工艺以及含银量等属于清代中后期产物,银器是我国稀有金属家族中的重要成员也是收藏领域中的重要收藏门类,也是世界工艺美术发展史上占有十分重要的地位。自古以来白银器具的多少,意味着富裕程度的高低。白银制品对人体健康有神奇功效,古人深信用银器。因此银筷、银碗、银酒具等成为王公贵族的爱用之物。《纯银餐具》具有鉴别有毒物质和杀灭细菌的功能,古代人们就常用银簪或银具测试食品与药物中是否有毒。用银具盛放水、奶、汤等可以久放而不会生霉、发酵、变臭,起到了杀菌消毒的作用。民间又有趋风避邪的说法;银具有说话的功能,当身体不适时,颜色黯淡,当身体恢复后,它将以雪亮的银光告诉您:健康是福! 银,自古以来就是财富的象征。银工艺浮雕画、银摆件、银酒具、银茶具、银餐具、闪烁的银器静静的演绎着主人高贵的品味,同时彰显对到访客人的尊敬。长期使用银器皿进食,有增强精力,延年益寿的作用。本品真正集实用、价值、尊贵于一身,此款银碗由纯银手工精心打造而成,碗上刻有荷叶浮雕图案,如此细腻精细的纹饰雕刻,把中国古代匠人手工艺技术表现得的淋漓尽致,到如今还能留存下来4件已经说明了原家族对它如视珍宝,所谓乱世黄金盛世收藏 ,这绝对是一件不可多得的收藏投资品。



Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD

Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction.


[Name] Xuan lotus leaf relief plate mouth silver bowl

[Specification] The diameter of 58.1 mm The 4 pieces weigh 269.4g in total

[Category] Miscellaneous







Xuan lotus leaf relief plate mouth silver bowl.Xuande was emperor xuanzong of the fifth dynasty of the Ming dynasty, zhu xianji year number, that is, 1426 to 1435 AD, a total of ten years. It has a history of more than 500 years. However, the silver bowl with xuanzi bottom has been carefully and repeatedly reviewed and evaluated, and its craft and silver content are products of the middle and late qing dynasty. Silver ware is an important member of China's rare metal family and an important collection category in the field of collection, and also occupies a very important position in the development history of world arts and crafts. Since ancient times the number of silver utensils, means the level of wealth. Silver products have magical effects on human health, and ancient people believed in using silver. Therefore, silver chopsticks, silver bowls and silver wine sets became the favorite objects of the nobles. Pure silver tableware has the function of identifying toxic substances and killing bacteria. In ancient times, people often used silver hairpins or silverware to test whether food and medicine were poisonous. With silver cheng fang water, milk, soup and so on can be put for a long time and will not produce mold, fermentation, odor, has played the role of sterilization. The folk also has the view that drives the wind to ward off evil; Silver has the function of speaking, when the body is not in time, the color is dim, when the body recovers, it will tell you: health is a blessing! Silver has been a symbol of wealth since ancient times. Silver craft relief painting, silver ornaments, silver wine set, silver tea set, silver tableware, silver glittering silver quietly deduce the noble taste of the host, and at the same time highlight the respect for the visiting guests. Long-term use of silver utensils to eat, enhance energy, longevity effect. This product set practical, real value and honor at a suit, this silver bowl by hand crafted pure silver, embossed with a design of lotus leaf on the bowl, so exquisite and delicate decorative sculpture, craftsmen of ancient China handicraft technology ACTS of incisively and vividly, until now still can survive 4 pieces showing the original family treated it as treasure, gone with the so-called golden age collection, this is definitely a rare collection of investment.

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