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发布时间:2019-07-25 15:48来源:
2019年四川明德堂精品推荐-第一套人民币小全套 藏品名称:第一套人民币小全套 藏品规格:规格不一 推荐区域:新加坡 该套收藏品是中华人民共和国第一套人民币小全套,它把本套人







This collection is the first set of RMB small sets in the people's Republic of China. It contains 12 denominations, such as 1 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan, 100 yuan, 200 yuan, 500 yuan, 1000 yuan, 5000 yuan, 10000 yuan, 50000 yuan, etc., a collection of 12 pearls that can be killed.


The first set of RMB was issued under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the victorious march of the Chinese people's War of Liberation in order to unify the currencies of the revolutionary base areas of the country. In the theme of the pattern, most of them choose agriculture, industry, transportation and so on to reflect people's social life, as well as the patterns of economic construction at that time, in order to show the real situation of people's politics, economy, life, society and so on in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China.


In the first set of RMB, the value of 12 treasures is higher: Wu Yuan's "buffalo picture", Wu Jianyuan's "water cart and mine car", Wu Baiyuan's "Ju de City", 1 000 yuan's "shepherd map", "sailboat chart", Wu Qianyuan's "shepherd picture", "yurts", "Weihe Bridge", 10, 000 yuan "camel", "shepherd horse map", Wu Wanyuan's "Xinhua door", "harvester". Among them, 10,000 yuan of "pastoral horse map", Wu thousand yuan of "yurts", Wu Baiyuan's "Jade City" and 10,000 yuan of "camel team" are the "four heavenly kings" of the 12 treasures, which are soaring every year.



1. The first set of RMB is the legal currency printed and issued by the State Bank under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and under the situation of the victory of the Chinese People's Liberation War. The word“people”indicates the nature of this chao ticket, which must be national and national, not of a bureaucracy or a financial oligarchy.


2. The first set of RMB was not only a war currency, but also a currency during the economic recovery period in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China. It first served the Chinese people's War of Liberation. "everything for the victory of the war", wherever the PLA fought, the RMB followed up. The issuance of RMB ensured the need for the successful march of the War of Liberation, promoted the recovery and development of the economy, and finally became a unified national currency, becoming the legal currency of the whole country, and ending the chaotic history of the currency system under the rule of the Kuomintang for decades.


3. The first set of RMB is the product of "self-reliance" and "hard struggle". Its design idea is to take the typical examples of agriculture, industry, commerce, trade, transportation and so on in the liberated areas as the subject matter of choosing the pattern. The design and production of the ticket plate is mainly undertaken by the banknote printing factory in the liberated areas, which lays the foundation for the printing of RMB in China.


The first set of RMB has many denominations and complex types, and the circulation time is short, and the first set of RMB issued and circulated in some versions is very small. The first set of RMB has been out of use for half a century, during which time it has experienced a number of political movements and economic reforms, so there are not many collectibles left behind, and it is rare for those who can gather it together.







This collection is now stored in Sichuan Mingdetang auction Co., Ltd.


Collection details, collection details and details the company will arrange for a special person to contact you!


Entrusted unit: Sichuan Mingde Hall Auction Co., Ltd.


The company will arrange for professionals to explain the service on a one-on-one basis!


Treasure holder: Mr. Yu


Contact information: 028 84399007




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