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发布时间:2019-07-25 16:41来源:
中华人民共和国第一套人民币 Peoples Republic of ChinaThe first set of RMB 规格不一 Different specifications 编号:YSWHPMFW-1052 Number: YSWHPMFW - 1052 1948年,随着人民解放战争的顺利进行,分散的各解放区


People's Republic of ChinaThe first set of RMB



Different specifications


Number: YSWHPMFW - 1052

1948年,随着人民解放战争的顺利进行,分散的各解放区迅速连成一片,为适应形势的发展,亟需一种统一的货币替代原来种类庞杂、折算不便的各解放区货币。为此, 1948年12月1日,在河北省石家庄市成立中国人民银行,同日开始发行统一的人民币。当时任华北人民政府主席的董必武同志为该套人民币题写了中国人民银行行名。

In 1948, with the smooth progress of the people's liberation war, the scattered liberated areas were quickly connected into one piece. In order to adapt to the development of the situation, a unified currency was urgently needed to replace the various kinds of currencies in the liberated areas which were difficult to convert. Therefore, on December 1, 1948, the people's bank of China was established in shijiazhuang, hebei province, and unified RMB was issued on the same day. Dong biwu, then chairman of the north China people's government, inscribed the bank name of the people's bank of China.


第一套人民币是中华人民共和国的开国之宝,是新中国通向世界的首张名片。它象征着一个新时代的开始,是"中国人民从此站起来了"的经济支柱。第一套人民币是迄今为止发行量最少、流通时间最短的一套人民币;从1948年发行到1955年退出流通,只有短短的7年时间。因版别众多、流通时间短,退出流通后,人民银行回收、销毁和50多年的自然耗损,存世量非常稀少。随着岁月的推移和收藏热的升温,就是 单枚币也会逐渐成为稀缺的珍品。第一套人民币在中国钱币版块中的龙头地位不可动摇。随着岁月的推移和收藏热的升温,单枚币也将成为珍藏品,是真正的金不换。

The first set of RMB is the founding treasure of the People's Republic of China and the first business card of new China to the world. It symbolizes the beginning of a new era and is the economic pillar of "the Chinese people have stood up". The first set of RMB is the one with the least circulation and the shortest circulation time so far. From 1948 to 1955 to withdraw from circulation, only a short period of seven years. Due to numerous editions, short circulation time, after the withdrawal from circulation, the people's bank of recovery, destruction and more than 50 years of natural consumption, the amount of existence is very rare. As time goes by and collecting heats up, even a single coin becomes a rare treasure. The first set of renminbi in the Chinese coin section of the leading position can not be shaken. As the elapse of years and collect heat to heat up, single coin also will become treasure to collect, it is true gold does not change.


Unified currency is an important measures for the national liberation, it clears the distribution rate of various currencies, the KMT government over decades inflation under the rule of the kuomintang and the Chinese hundred years in foreign currency, gold and silver COINS in circulation market trading history, promote people's all-round victory in the war of liberation, at the beginning of the founding played an important role in the recovery period. Special historical significance, great collection value!

第一套人民币面值多且种类复杂,发行数量较少,流通时间短,而且第一套人民币停止使用时间已长达半个世纪之久,其间又经历了多次政治运动、经济改革,因 此收藏者留存下来的不多,其观赏、纪念、珍藏、投资价值与日俱增,受到知名拍卖行和文物收藏家的特别青睐。票面图案都反映了当时的社会经济状况和政治风 貌,其印制质量反映了当时的印制技术和工艺水平。通过本套珍藏册所收录的人民币实物,可以了解当时社会经济情况、风俗人情,是研究社会历史不可多得的实物资料,,工艺精湛,制作精良。具有极高的工艺价值、艺术文化及收藏传承价值。

Complicated types and the first set of RMB value, issue number is less, the circulation time is short, and the first set of RMB to stop using time has been for half a century, and has experienced many political movements, economic reform, because the collector surviving few, its ornamental, honor and cherish, increasing investment value, are well-known cultural relics auction houses and collectors of special favour. The pattern of the ticket reflects the social and economic conditions and political styles at that time, and its printing quality reflects the printing technology and technology level at that time. Through the collection of RMB objects, you can understand the social and economic conditions, customs, social history is a rare material, exquisite technology, excellent production. It has high value of craft, art culture and collection inheritance.



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