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发布时间:2019-07-26 20:37来源:
四川永合利拍卖有限公司,为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品 , 为藏家牵线搭桥 , 让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视 , 在拍卖会上得以高价成


Sichuan Yonghe Li Auction Co., Ltd. For the strong dissemination effect of collections, we recommend to buyers the art treasures selected by experts of national first-level appraisal, and make a bridge for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded at auction.


【规格】长:139cm 宽:70cm


[Name]Peony Map

[Specification] Long: 139 cm wide: 70 cm

[Category] Calligraphy and Painting



牡丹(学名:Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)是芍药科、芍药属植物,为多年生落叶灌木。茎高达2米;分枝短而粗。叶通常为二回三出复叶,偶尔近枝顶的叶为3小叶;顶生小叶宽卵形,表面绿色,无毛,背面淡绿色,有时具白粉,侧生小叶狭卵形或长圆状卵形,叶柄长5-11厘米,和叶轴均无毛。花单生枝顶,苞片5,长椭圆形;萼片5,绿色,宽卵形,花瓣5或为重瓣,玫瑰色、红紫色、粉红色至白色,通常变异很大,倒卵形,顶端呈不规则的波状;花药长圆形,长4毫米;花盘革质,杯状,紫红色;心皮5,稀更多,密生柔毛。蓇葖长圆形,密生黄褐色硬毛。花期5月;果期6月。

Peony (scientific name: Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.) is a perennial deciduous shrub belonging to Paeonia and Paeonia. Stems 2 m high; branched short and thick. Leaves are usually two-fold, three-fold compound leaves, occasionally near the top of branches; terminal leaflets are broadly oval, surface green, glabrous, light green on the back, sometimes with white powder, lateral leaflets narrowly oval or oblong oval, petioles 5-11 cm long, and axes glabrous. Flowers solitary, bract 5, long elliptic; sepals 5, green, broadly ovate, petals 5 or double, rose, red purple, pink to white, usually varies greatly, obovate, apex irregularly wavy; anthers oblong, 4 mm long; disc leathery, cup-shaped, purple-red; carpel 5, more sparse, dense. Pubescence. The follicles are oblong and densely covered with yellowish-brown hairs. Flowering in May; fruit in June.





花色泽艳丽,玉笑珠香,风流潇洒,富丽堂皇,素有“花中之王”的美誉。在栽培类型中,主要根据花的颜色,可分成上百个品种。”牡丹品种繁多,色泽亦多,以黄、绿、肉红、深红、银红为上品,尤其黄、绿、白为贵。牡丹花大而香,故又有“国色天香”之称。也是我国的国花,国花(The national flower)是作为国家文化形象的花卉。国花对一个国家的文化具有深刻的意义。通过一个国家的国花也能看出该国的文化底蕴及历史。国花象征民族团结精神,增强民族凝聚力,是国民人格美德的精华。它代表了整个国家的气质,人民的品格。为各国人民高度重视,反映了对祖国的热爱和浓郁的民族感情。一个国家的国花应该与一个国家的文化、历史和遗产相联系。它的目的是加强国家对世界的形象,在维护国家真正的品质方面发挥作用。早在唐代就有诗人刘禹锡有诗曰:“庭前芍药妖无格,池上芙蕖净少情。唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城。”。

Flowers have gorgeous colours, fragrant beads of Jade Laughter, elegant style and magnificence. They are known as the "King of Flowers". In the cultivation type, it can be divided into hundreds of varieties mainly according to the color of flowers. Peony has many varieties and colors. Yellow, green, flesh red, deep red and silver red are the top-grade products, especially yellow, green and white. Peony flower is big and fragrant, so it is also known as "national color and fragrance". It is also the national flower of our country. The national flower is the flower as the national cultural image. The national flower is of profound significance to a country's culture. Through the national flower of a country, we can also see the cultural connotation and history of the country. The national flower symbolizes the spirit of national unity and strengthens national cohesion, which is the cream of national character virtue. It represents the temperament of the whole country and the character of the people. For the people of all countries attach great importance to, reflecting the love of the motherland and strong national feelings. The national flower of a country should be connected with its culture, history and heritage. Its purpose is to strengthen the country's image of the world and play a role in safeguarding the true quality of the country. As early as the Tang Dynasty, there was a poet Liu Yuxi who said, "The peony demon in front of the court is incompetent, and the lotus on the pool is pure and passionate. Only the peony is truly national, and when the flowers blossom, the capital will move.




In the late Qing Dynasty, peony was regarded as the national flower of China. In May 1985, Peony was ranked as one of the top ten flowers in China, ranking second. China's unique woody precious flowers, thousands of years of natural growth and more than 1500 years of artificial cultivation history. It is widely cultivated in China and has been introduced all over the world. Peony flowers are embraced as the king of flowers, rich in cultural and painting works. Chinese painting art had a great development in Song Dynasty. In terms of traditional flower and bird paintings, the requirements of the Song Dynasty were similar. In Song Dynasty, painters were required to accurately express objective reality and advocate a meticulous aesthetic spirit. Peony flower charts show modern people's aesthetic interest in Chinese painting art. The painter shows the objective reality to people through the delicate description of peony flowers, while the appreciator grasps the connotation of the picture accurately through the earnest appreciation of the picture. Based on the truth of art, the author and the reader have achieved perfect unity. This fine observation and true painting style of the object of modern art developed from the Song Dynasty to later become the essence of traditional Chinese meticulous brushwork.


This work is made by Chengyu, who was born in Dingxi, Gansu Province, in 1964. Graduated from the Chinese Department of the University, and later graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in art education and clothing design. China's first fashion designer to register his personal portrait as a brand trademark is the first person in China to bring the elements of Chinese painting and calligraphy art and the culture of fashion models to the T-stage. In calligraphy, Chang Xingcao, Wei Stele and Da Zhuan are found. They have a special love for Mao's calligraphy. His works of art, such as Songs of Time, Wanshan Red Man, Shangshan Ruoshui, Rising Sun, Purple Air Eastern Coming, North Country Scenery, Damei Qinghai, Yellow River Bone and Loess Customs, won the Gold Prize, Silver Prize, and some of his works were collected by friends and museums at home and abroad. The group led many calligraphers and painters to carry out art exchanges in Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and Singapore, and was praised by the calligraphy and painting circles and the media as explorers of cultural and artistic creation, activists of calligraphy and painting art exchanges, and faithful spokesmen of inheriting national culture and art.



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