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发布时间:2019-07-30 17:52来源:
藏品资料(合作客户) 藏品名称:光绪元宝(云南省造) 藏品规格:重约:13.1g;直径约:3.3cm 藏品详情:光绪元宝是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。由湖北两广总督张之洞率先引进英






Guangxu yuan bao was one of the currency circulated during the guangxu period of the qing dynasty. Zhang zhidong, governor of hubei province, guangdong province, was the first to introduce the British coinage machine to cast silver and copper yuan, which was followed by other provinces. Guangxu yuanbao is the first large denomination currency in guangxu period of qing dynasty.

This guangxu yuanbao, made in yunnan province, front top cast regular script "made in yunnan province", bottom cast "kuping three COINS six cents", coin center directly read "guangxu yuanbao" four words. The handwriting is clear and vigorous, the dragon pattern on the back is clear and lifelike. After years of baptism, well-preserved, with high collection value and economic value.

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