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发布时间:2019-07-31 18:02来源:
精品推荐:战汉 乳钉纹凤首青铜方 《中国青铜器》记载:几何纹大致有连珠纹 弦纹百乳雷纹菱形雷纹、网纹等,其中提到百乳雷纹,并未指出几何纹饰包括乳钉纹。其实,百乳雷纹应

精品推荐:战汉 乳钉纹凤首青铜方





"Chinese Bronze Ware" records: "Geometry has a continuous bead pattern with a string pattern .... a hundred milk thunder pattern .... diamond thunder pattern, Reticulum pattern, etc.", which refers to "a hundred milk thunder pattern", did not indicate that the geometric pattern includes the nail pattern. In fact, the Ray of milk should be a kind of nail pattern. Gaomenghe said in "Bronze and Chinese Culture": "The mastoids of the nail lines are arranged in a single line or phalanx. More common in the late Shang Dynasty and Western Zhou Dynasty. "


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战汉 乳钉纹凤首青铜方

The Bronze Prescription of Fengshou with Nails in the Warring Han Dynasty


High: 37.8 cm, 12.03 cm wide





The shape of this nail pattern is simple and bright. If you look at the shape of a single nail, there is no difference between different times. However, the combination of mastoid groups and other geometric textures forms a fixed pattern. They lead in different times, and we can classify them accordingly.

此件青铜方体量重大,盖器合一,甚为壮观。器身颈部较高,有上阔下窄之势。丰肩圆 润,左右各有一鋬。高深腹,向下内收,此器通高38厘米,挺拔矗立之态,足具震撼.

此件藏品将在2019813日于台北故宫博物院晶华亭上拍,如有意收藏的藏友们请尽快联系,联系方式:15529217713 高经理。

This piece of bronze square volume is significant, and the cover is one, which is very spectacular. The neck of the body is higher and there is a tendency to be wide and narrow. The shoulders are round and round, with one left and one right. High deep abdomen, down to the inside, this device through 38 cm high, straight and upright standing state, powerful.
This collection will be taken on August 13, 2019 at Jinghuating, Taipei Palace Museum. If you are interested in collecting Tibetan friends, please contact the manager at 15529217713.

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