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发布时间:2019-08-01 11:07来源:
圣翰德光绪元宝一组精品推荐 光绪元宝是清朝 光绪 年间流通的货币之一。由湖北两广总督 张之洞 率先引进英国铸币机器铸造 银元 和 铜元 ,之后各省纷纷仿效。共有十九个省局铸造


光绪元宝是清朝 光绪 年间流通的货币之一。由湖北两广总督 张之洞 率先引进英国铸币机器铸造 银元 和 铜元 ,之后各省纷纷仿效。共有十九个省局铸造,除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘镌写省名。

Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currencies circulated during the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangdong provinces in Hubei, took the lead in introducing British coin machines to produce silver and copper coins, which were followed by other provinces. There are nineteen provincial bureaus casting. Except for the central household department, the copper coins cast by local provinces are all inscribed on the upper margin of their fronts.






正面中央为“光绪元宝”,左右两边各一字为满文铸局,中心烙有梅花纹饰,外环珠圈,上缘文字 “省造”。下缘纪值文字为“当十”或当制钱十文;背面中央铸龙图及火龙珠,威风凛凛,龙眼炯炯有神。此组光绪元宝分别有江苏省造,四川省造,湖北省造,此组藏品虽经历了无穷岁月,但纹路依然清晰可见,也见证了其历史的积淀,具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,藏品铸工精美,品相较好,铜币包浆入骨,流通痕迹自然,具有深远的历史纪念意义,同时,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。具有很高的收藏价值和市场价值。

The center of the front is" Guangxu Yuanbao ", and the two sides of the left and the right are full text casting bureau. The center is made of" plum blossom ", outer ring bead ring and upper edge text. The book value of the lower edge is the "when ten" or when the money is made of ten words; the back central cast dragon and the dragon ball, the wind and the wind, the longan and the dragon are the gods. This group of Guangxu Yuanbao is made in Jiangsu, Sichuan and Hubei, respectively. Although the collection of this group has undergone endless years, the grain is still clearly visible. It also has witnessed the accumulation of its history. It has very obvious historical transitional characteristics. The collection of the collection is beautiful and the quality of the collection is good. The copper coin is wrapped in the bone, the circulation trace is natural, and has a far-reaching historical memory. Significance, at the same time, archaeology and the study of Chinese history and culture is a rare object. It has high collection value and market value.




This treasure is now temporarily placed in "Sichuan Saint Hande auction Co., Ltd." interested in direct contact with the company!


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