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发布时间:2019-08-01 14:00来源:
一个时代的象征宣统三年大清银币 The Symbol of an Age-the Silver Coin of Xuantong Three Years of Qing Dynasty 清朝的文化艺术在中国历史文明中占据总要的位置,大清银币宣统三年是清代皇帝薄仪在位


The Symbol of an Age-the Silver Coin of Xuantong Three Years of Qing Dynasty


清朝的文化艺术在中国历史文明中占据总要的位置,大清银币宣统三年是清代皇帝薄仪在位期间铸造的,清代呈现中西文化高度融合发展的趋势。The culture and art of the Qing Dynasty occupied an important position in Chinese history and civilization. The three years of Xuantong, the silver coin of the Qing Dynasty, were coined during the reign of Emperor Boyi of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty showed a trend of highly integrated development of Chinese and Western cultures.


在制造银元的同时,许多人提出了制造金币的主张,进入20世纪,兴起了关于建立本位制度的讨论,有人主张中国实行金本位制,在黄金储备不足的情况下,可以先实行金汇本位制 (亦称'虚金本位制“)。At the same time, many people put forward the idea of making gold coins. In the 20th century, discussions on the establishment of a gold standard system arose. Some people advocated that China should implement a gold standard system. In the case of insufficient gold reserves, the gold exchange standard system (also known as the "virtual gold standard") could be implemented first.

这种币制以黄金定价格标准,但国内实际流通的银元,银元按黄金价值流通,是黄金的价值符号。在金本位制尚无实行条件时,当时普遍主张先实行银本位制,在此前提下,又产生了货币单位的‘两元之争”。有人主张银元重一两,有人主张重七钱二分,即以元为单位。This currency system is based on gold pricing standards, but the actual domestic circulation of silver yuan, silver yuan in accordance with the value of gold circulation, is the value symbol of gold. In the absence of conditions for the implementation of the gold standard system, it was generally advocated that the silver standard should be implemented first. On this premise, the "two-yuan dispute" of monetary units arose. Some people advocate that the silver dollar should be one or two, while others advocate that the silver dollar should be divided into seven dollars and two cents.

这款大清银币宣统三年硬币是中西的结合,打造这款硬币是很需要娴熟的手艺的,不仅体现了中西文化,还体现出满汉文化的交融,是一个具有时代象征的产物。This three-year coin of the Xuantong Silver Coin the Qing Dynasty is a combination of Chinese and Western cultures. It is very necessary to have skilled This three-year silver coin of the Qing Dynasty not only embodies the Chinese and Western cultures, but also reflects the blending of Manchu and Han cultures. It is a product of the symbol of the times.



这款具有时代象征的大清银币宣统三年硬币成为收藏市场的宠儿。大清银币宣统三年是很有年代感的,和我们现在的硬币有些类似的地方。This three-year coin with the symbol of the times has become the favorite of the collection market. The three years of Xuantong coin in Qing Dynasty are very chronological. There are some similarities with our present coins.



这款大清银币宣统三年的周围有一圈压痕,满文汉文交融,字体清晰,并且印有宣统三年这四个字样,绘制的曲须龙图案,龙刻画的活灵活现,龙纹细致清晰,雕刻工艺更是炉火纯青,五爪蟠龙作为清朝时期的图腾,它象征着清王朝的一种精神状态,把神龙的高贵形象体现的淋漓尽致。There is a circle of indentation around the three years of Xuantong coin. Manchu and Chinese are blended, the font is clear, and the four words of Xuantong three years are printed. The Quxulong pattern is drawn, the Dragon depiction is vivid and the dragon pattern is meticulous. Clear, the sculpture process is pure, five-clawed Panlong as a totem of the Qing Dynasty, it symbolizes a state of mind of the Qing Dynasty, the noble image of the god dragon vividly reflected.

此钱币从色泽上看光滑亮丽,包浆醇厚,制作工艺精巧,是值得收藏的一件艺术佳作。在市场上较其罕见,能保存于民间的微乎其微,有着极高的收藏价值。The coin is smooth and bright in color, mellow in slurry and exquisite in craftsmanship. It is a masterpiece of art worth collecting. It is rare in the market, can be preserved in the folk is very small, has a very high collection value.



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