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发布时间:2019-08-01 14:08来源:
现代艺术教育的奠基人刘海粟 刘海粟款荷花图 规格:长约( L ): 133.5cm, 宽约( W ): 66.5cm. 刘海粟(1896年3月16日1994年8月7日),名槃,字季芳,号海翁。汉族,江苏常州人。现代杰




刘海粟(1896年3月16日—1994年8月7日),名槃,字季芳,号海翁。汉族,江苏常州人。现代杰出画家、美术教育家。早年习油画,苍古沉雄。兼作国画,线条有钢筋铁骨之力。后潜心于泼墨法,笔飞墨舞,气魄过人。晚年运用泼彩法,色彩绚丽,气格雄浑。历任南京艺术学院一级教授、院长、名誉院长,上海美术家协会名誉主席,中国美术家协会顾问。Liu Haisu (March 16, 1896 - August 7, 1994), famous plate, the word Jifang, No. Haiweng. Han nationality, from Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. Modern outstanding painters and art educators. In his early years, he learned oil painting, and he was immortal. As a Chinese painting, the lines have the strength of steel and iron. Later, he devoted himself to the ink-splashing method and danced with great boldness. In his later years, he used the splash-colored method, which had brilliant colors and vigorous temperament. He has been a first-class professor, Dean and honorary Dean of Nanjing Academy of Art, honorary chairman of Shanghai Artists Association and consultant of China Artists Association.

刘海粟是属于海派(上海画派),与岭南画派最大的区别就是整体更偏向于写意。喜作泼墨泼彩法。画风豪放奇肆,苍莽劲拔,醇厚朴茂,多彩多姿,卓然自成一家,在国内外享有盛誉。其擅长画山水(黄山),花鸟(荷叶,莲花)以及人物,其中山水代表就是黄山,花鸟代表作就是荷叶。Liu Haisu belongs to Shanghai School, and the biggest difference between Liu Haisu and Lingnan School is that he prefers freehand brushwork as a whole. I like splashing ink and splashing colors. The style of painting is bold and extravagant, bold and vigorous, mellow, simple and lush, colorful, and self-contained. It enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. He is good at painting landscapes (Huangshan), flowers and birds (lotus leaf, lotus flower) and characters, in which the landscapes are represented by Huangshan, and the representative works of flowers and birds are lotus leaves.


今征集一副代表作八平尺《刘海粟款荷花图》,此为刘海粟时年八十创作,这幅画采用典型的泼墨法,笔墨飞舞,气魄过人。有疏可跑马密不透风之布局的技巧。其中莲花部分用于计白当黑手法,来表现刚正不阿之感,从整幅画来看,完全表达了在他迟暮之年,他对于外界的流言蜚语的不屑,以及坚持自己创作手法和人生道路的向前。 印鉴:刘海粟印(白)、曾经沧海(朱),对整幅画的平衡感以及布局分布起到了关键作用。This is a representative work of eight-square-foot "Liu Hai Su Qian Lotus Picture", which was created by Liu Hai Su in his eighty years. This painting uses the typical ink-splashing method, with flying brush and ink, and has great courage. Skills of airtight layout with sparse running horses. Among them, the lotus flower part is used to plan the white while the black, to express the sense of righteousness. From the whole picture, it fully expresses his disdain for the outside gossip in his late years, as well as his insistence on his creative techniques and the way forward of life. Seal: Liu Haisu (white) and Zeng Canghai (Zhu) played a key role in the balance and distribution of the whole painting.


此荷花图为藏友1990年购于北京承古斋,附有收据原件。“承古斋”原名“崇古斋”,由张作霖的老师,也就是陈独秀的叔父陈衍庶在1900年出资修建,由宣统皇帝的老师书法家陆润庠亲笔题写匾名。其历史悠久也会此话增添不少艺术价值。有意者可与我司联系。This lotus picture was purchased by Tibetan friends in Chengguzhai, Beijing in 1990, with the original receipt. Chengguzhai, originally known as Chongguzhai, was built by Zhang Zuolin's teacher, Chen Duxiu's uncle, Chen Yanshu, in 1900, and was inscribed on a plaque by Lu Runyu, a teacher of Xuantong Emperor. Its long history will add a lot of artistic value. Interested parties may contact us.




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