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发布时间:2019-08-09 13:29来源:
精品推荐: 民国开国纪念币是一种银质纪念币,发行于1912至1927年。正面刻孙中山半身像,上源为中华民国XX年,背面为嘉禾图围绕壹圆二字,有民国十五年、十六年、十八年及陵墓地


  民国开国纪念币是一种银质纪念币,发行于1912至1927年。正面刻孙中山半身像,上源为"中华民国XX年",背面为嘉禾图围绕"壹圆"二字,有民国十五年、十六年、十八年及陵墓'地球、无年号、嘉禾等版别。"小头"正面刻孙中山半身像,上源为"中华民国XX年",背面为嘉禾图围绕"壹圆"二字,有民国十五年、十六年、十八年及陵墓'地球、无年号、嘉禾等版别。其中孙中山陵墓币铸于1927年,南京国民政府为纪念建造中山陵,铸造陵墓纪念银币和纪念铜牌。据传该币仅铸480枚,分赠党政要员和护送灵柩人员,此币为意大利造币公司雕刻,正面为孙中山正面像,上有"中华民国国民政府"八字,背面中为"一元",下书"十六年造"左为旭日青松,右为中山陵寝殿。 重铸旧币的同时,国民政府也在加紧赶制新国币。The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China is a kind of silver commemorative coin, which was issued from 1912 to 1927. On the front, the bust of Sun Yat-sen is engraved, which originates from "XX Year of the Republic of China", and on the back is Jiahe Tu around the word "one circle". It has 15, 16, 18 years of the Republic of China and mausoleum editions such as "Earth, Nien Number, Jiahe".On the front, the bust of Sun Yat-sen is engraved. Its origin is "XX years of the Republic of China", and on the back is Jiahe Tu around the word "one circle". It has 15, 16, 18 years of the Republic of China and mausoleum editions such as "Earth, Nien Number, Jiahe". Among them, the coin of Sun Yat-sen's tomb was coined in 1927. The Nanjing National Government built the tomb to commemorate Sun Yat-sen's tomb, casting silver coins and bronze medals. It is said that only 480 coins were minted and distributed to Party and government officials and escort coffins. The coin was carved by the Italian Mint Corporation. The front of the coin was a positive image of Sun Yat-sen, with the eight characters of "the National Government of the Republic of China" on the back and "one yuan" on the back. In the next book, "made in 16 years", the left was Xuri Qingsong and the right was Zhongshan Mausoleum. While recasting old coins, the National Government is also speeding up the production of new national coins.


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