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八方晋宝精品推荐 --- 青花人物故事玉壶春瓶(一对)

发布时间:2019-08-10 09:42来源:
此对青花人物故事纹玉壶春瓶,口径:10.6cm 底径:11cm 高33.5cm造型优美,撇口、细长颈、广圆腹、圈足。内口沿绘一周缠枝花纹,颈部为蕉叶纹及杂宝,腹部主题纹饰为人物故事纹,人


此对青花人物故事纹玉壶春瓶,口径:10.6cm 底径:11cm 高33.5cm造型优美,撇口、细长颈、广圆腹、圈足。内口沿绘一周缠枝花纹,颈部为蕉叶纹及杂宝,腹部主题纹饰为人物故事纹,人物形象,意境清幽,颇有一番雅趣,此瓶整体绘工精细,全器纹饰上下分七层,画面层次清楚,主题突出,疏朗有致,值得收藏。玉壶春瓶是中国最优美的瓷器造型之一,经久耐看。青花人物故事玉壺春瓶,其造型十分精巧,器型圓柔纖麗,修長俊秀,陳設與實用保持完美的結合,形成高雅而樸實的藝術風格。它是一種以變化柔和的弧線為輪廓線的瓶類。青花色調淡雅,高端穩重,也體現了青花經過歷史的延續和工藝的傳承。此藏品将于2019813日在台湾故宫博物馆开拍,诚邀各地收藏人士到场参与竞拍。

This pair of green characters story pattern jade pot spring bottle, caliber: 10.6 cm bottom diameter: 11cm high 33.5 cm shape beautiful, mouth, slender neck, wide round belly, circle foot. The inner mouth is painted along a week's twig pattern, the neck is a banana leaf pattern and a miscellaneous treasure, the belly theme is decorated as a character story pattern, the character image, the artistic conception is quiet, quite elegant, this bottle is a fine painter, the entire device The pattern is divided into seven layers, the picture level is clear, The theme is outstanding, sparse, and worthy of collection. The jade pot spring bottle is one of the most beautiful porcelain shapes in China. Qinghua character story jade pot spring bottle, its shape is very delicate, the device type is round and soft, long and handsome, Chen Jian and practical use to maintain a perfect combination, forming an elegant and realistic art style. It is a kind of bottle that uses a gentle arc as a helix. The green suit is elegant, high-end stable, but also the continuation of the history of the youth and the arts and crafts. This collection will be filmed at the Palace Museum in Taiwan on August 13, 2019. Collectors from all over the country are invited to participate in the auction.




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