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发布时间:2019-08-12 21:18来源:
收藏隗宝:平安中国30周年纪念册 Collection of Long Bao: Anniversary of the 30th Anniversary of Pingan China 平安中国 30 周年纪念册 ( 4 套 ) 规格:总重量约( N ): 9.325kg 《平安中国30周年纪念册》


Collection of Long Bao: Anniversary of the 30th Anniversary of Ping'an China




1: 《平安中国—熊猫加字金银纪念币》

2: 《平安中国—熊猫金银纪念劵》

3: 《平安中国—纪念币珍藏册》

4: 《平安中国—邮票珍藏册》

The 30th Anniversary Anniversary of Peaceful China is as follows:

1: Ping'an China - Panda Plus Gold and Silver Commemorative Coin

2: Peaceful China - Panda Gold and Silver Memorial

3: Ping'an China-Memorial Coin Collection

4: Ping'an China - Stamp Collection

平安集团成立30周年《熊猫加字金银纪念币》一套。该套金银纪念币共2枚,其中金质纪念币1枚,银质纪念币1枚,均为中华人民共和国法定货币。其熊猫普制金,银币的制造过程中,使用了反喷砂造型工艺,凹刻法线条镜面结合造型工艺;制造出的银币栩栩如生,不但是精妙设计与精湛工艺的完美集成,更是贵金属藏品中的巅峰精品,具有极高的艺术鉴赏及收藏价值。Pingan Group's 30th anniversary of the establishment of the "Panda plus words gold and silver commemorative coin" set. The set of gold and silver commemorative coins consists of two pieces, including one gold commemorative coin and one silver commemorative coin, which are legal tenders of the People's Republic of China. In the process of making Panda Gold and silver coins, the reverse sand blasting moulding technology and concave normal line mirror combined moulding technology are used; the silver coins are vivid, not only the perfect integration of exquisite design and exquisite crafts, but also the pinnacle of precious metal collections, with high artistic appreciation and collection value.

《平安中国—熊猫金银纪念劵》整套十一张。纪念了平安集团30载的华彩历程,撷取中华民族的吉祥图腾,讴歌伟大的时代精神,在纯金纯银的钞劵上生动详实的刻画深圳高度的代表—平安金融中心。祥和富态的国宝——熊猫“平平”“安安”;潘晓如意螭云金纹,颂扬盛世辉煌,祈祝国泰民安;是中华民族最为光辉灿烂的精神财富。"Peaceful China - Panda Gold and Silver Memorial" set of eleven. It commemorates the 30-year glorious history of Ping An Group, captures the auspicious totem of the Chinese nation, eulogizes the great spirit of the times, and vividly depicts the high representative of Shenzhen, Ping An Financial Center, on the banknotes of pure gold and silver. Pan Xiao is the most brilliant spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation.

1984年发行至今的《平安中国—纪念币珍藏册》誉录了我国各项事业发展的辉煌历程。彰选了近30年来我国政治,经济,文化,科技等诸多重要领域极具代表性的流通纪念币15枚。时代价值和纪念意义别具一格,具有很高的收藏价值。"Ping'an China - Memorial Coin Collection" published in 1984 has recorded the brilliant development of various undertakings in China. Fifteen representative commemorative coins have been selected in many important fields such as politics, economy, culture, science and technology in recent 30 years. The value of the times and the significance of commemoration are unique and have high collection value.

以邮票为载体的《平安中国—邮票珍藏册》整套四十五张。详尽记录了30年来祖国在政治,经济,文化,科技,军事,外交上取得的辉煌成就。邮票装帧精美,张张典范。咫尺重温峥嵘,方寸典藏荣光;绝世佳品,精妙毋言。Forty-five sets of "Ping'an China - Stamp Collection" with stamps as the carrier. The brilliant achievements of the motherland in politics, economy, culture, science and technology, military affairs and diplomacy in the past 30 years have been recorded in detail. Stamps are beautifully bound and exemplary. Close to revisit the brilliant, cun-cun collection of glory; the world's best, exquisite words.

这一套《平安纪念册》寓意着平安是中华民族乃至全世界人民的共同愿望。似乎从远古时代起人们就开始了祈祷平安:帝王们建造天坛,修建祠庙,跪天拜地是为了祈求国家风调雨顺,祈求百姓平平安安。平安是辛,健康是福,金钱可以买来保险,却买不来平安;拥有太多也抵不过平安幸福。出门在外,最常听到的就是父母的嘱咐:照顾好自己,注意安全。平安,是每个父母对自家孩子的期盼;是每一个真正关心你的人给你的最真挚的祝愿。因为,平安是福!This set of "Peace Memorial" implies that peace is the common aspiration of the Chinese nation and the people of the whole world. It seems that from ancient times people began to pray for peace: emperors built temples, temples, kneeling to pray for the smooth weather of the country and the peace of the people. Peace is Xin, health is happiness, money can buy insurance, but not peace; too much is not equal to peace and happiness. When you go out, the most common thing you hear is your parents'advice: Take care of yourself and be safe. Peace is the expectation of every parent for their children, and the sincerest wishes of everyone who really cares about you. Because peace is a blessing!

因此;喜爱收藏纪念的藏友们一定要趁现在把握入手的机会,否者后期价值可能会越来越高。Therefore, collectors who like to collect souvenirs must seize the opportunity to start now, or the later value may become higher and higher.



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