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精品展览:顺治通宝 错版江苏光绪元宝!

发布时间:2019-08-16 13:53来源:
精品展览:顺治通宝 错版江苏光绪元宝 顺治通宝 错版江苏光绪元宝 编号:DLSX-00054 直径:2.7cm 2.8cm 重量:4.8g 7.2g Shunzhi tongbao wrong version of jiangsu guangxu yuanbao Number: DLSX - 00054 Diameter: 2

精品展览:顺治通宝 错版江苏光绪元宝

顺治通宝 错版江苏光绪元宝


直径:2.7cm 2.8cm

重量:4.8g 7.2g

Shunzhi tongbao wrong version of jiangsu guangxu yuanbao

Number: DLSX - 00054

Diameter: 2.7cm 2.8cm

Weight: 4.8g 7.2g

顺治通宝为清朝钱币,铸于世祖顺治年间(1644年~1661年)。顺治通宝是清朝入关后正式铸行的第一种制钱,面文“顺治通宝”,钱文宋体、为对读,钱体趋于扁平,钱缘宽阔,早期顺治钱保留了明朝制钱工艺,使其版式具有明显的明朝钱币特征,而后期彻底从明朝制钱体系中脱离出来,建立了独有的清代制钱风格。 “顺治五式”在明清钱币演化中起到了承前启后的作用。清军入关之后,清政权、南明政权、农民起义军政权之间爆发的一系列大规模的战争。清政权的统一战争主导了前期顺治钱的铸造,它是一个战时货币演化的经典案例和实物证据。具有极大的历史价值和文化价值。

Tongbao of shunzhi was a qing dynasty coin, which was cast during the reign of emperor shunzhi (1644 ~ 1661).TongBao shanhaiguan qing dynasty shunzhi official ZhiQian casting lines of the first one, face "TongBao shunzhi", qian zhongshu song typeface, for reading, money to flat, margin broad money, money shunzhi early retained ZhiQian process the Ming dynasty, the format has obvious characteristics of the Ming dynasty COINS and late completely from the Ming dynasty ZhiQian system, established the unique style of qing dynasty ZhiQian."Shun zhi five types" in the Ming and qing dynasties coin evolution played a link between the past and the future.After the entry of the qing army, a series of large-scale wars broke out between the qing regime, the nanming regime and the peasant rebel regime.The unification war of the qing dynasty dominated the casting of shunzhi money, which was a classic case and physical evidence of currency evolution during the war.It has great historical and cultural value.

江苏省造光绪元宝十文铜圆正版铜圆的正面是:上缘“江苏省造”,两侧铸“乙巳”为制造年份,俩侧铸满文“宝苏”为制造局,下缘“每元当制钱十文”,中间是直读“光绪元宝”,有珠圈,珠圈是由99个小点组成。背面上缘“KIANG-SOO”,下缘“TEN CASH”,两侧各有一个实心五瓣花,内圈铸有神龙腾飞图腾。珠圈由109个小点组成。此枚钱币最特别之处在于——背面的龙纹图案由于机压错误,背面图案翻转一百八十度,十分罕见珍贵!在机制币中,出现错版币的几率是及其罕见的,相当于万分之一,因此在市场上也是愈加珍贵。

The front of guangxu yuanbao ten-letter copper-circle is: "made in jiangsu province" on the upper edge, casting "yisi" on both sides for the manufacturing year, casting "baosu" on both sides for the manufacturing bureau, the lower edge of "ten letters per yuan when making COINS", the middle is directly read "guangxu yuanbao", with a bead circle, the bead circle is composed of 99 small points."Kiang-soo" on the upper margin of the back, "TEN CASH" on the lower margin, each side has a solid five-petal flower, cast in the inner circle of the dragon fly totem.The bead circle consists of 109 dots.This coin is the most special in - back of the dragon pattern pattern due to machine pressure error, back pattern flipped 180 degrees, very rare and precious!The chance of a misprint is extremely rare among mechanised COINS, equivalent to one in 10,000, making them increasingly valuable in the market.


Collection of fine casting, relatively good products, copper COINS wrapped pulp into the bone, circulation traces of nature, with high investment value and collection value.This group of COINS it has historical edification, is the revolutionary cultural relic with high value, has the profound historical commemoration significance;At the same time, it is a rare object for archaeology and the study of Chinese history and culture.





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