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发布时间:2019-08-16 23:53来源:
藏品推荐:传世钞王 【名称】传世钞王 【规格】第四套人民币各版共15张纸币,六枚粮票 【类别】钱币 【备注】配有珍贵珍藏册。 【name】 handed down the king of banknotes 【Specification】







【name】 handed down the king of banknotes

【Specification】 The fourth edition of RMB consists of 15 banknotes and 6 grain stamps

【Category】 Coins

【Remarks】equipped with a precious collection.


传世钞王第四套人民币中全套,包含版别分别为90年100元;90年50元;80年10元;80年5元;80年2元 ;90年2元;80年1元;90年1元;96年1元;80年1、2、5角,还包含了非常稀少的53年1、2、5分纸分币,总计15张纸币,以及六枚珍贵粮票,配有精致珍藏册,贵族红和土豪金两个可选款式,突显高贵大气。

The full set of the fourth set of RMB in the World Banknote King is included in the 90100 yuan; 90 years 50 yuan; 8010 yuan; 80 years 5 yuan; 80 yuan 2; 90 yuan 2; 80 yuan; 90 yuan; 96 yuan; The 1st, 2nd, and 5th corners of the 80th year also contain very rare 53 years of 1, 2, and 5 cent paper coins, a total of 15 banknotes, and six precious food stamps, with exquisite collections, noble red and local gold. Two optional styles highlight the noble atmosphere.

  亮点一:传世钞王中包含的第四套人民币2元面值,是第四套的关门币,就好比如第二套人民币的绿三元现在市面价格4万多一张,就连第三套人民币2元车工现在市值2000一张, 未来四版2元劵也会登上新的高峰,掀起一片新的风波。

First, the fourth set of RMB 2 denominations included in the handed down banknotes is the fourth set of closing coins. For example, the second set of RMB 3 green yuan is now available at a market price of more than 40,000, even the third set of RMB 2. The car workers now have a market value of 2,000. The next four editions of 2 yuan will also climb the new peak, setting off a new storm.



Bright 2: The World Bank has a total of 12 sets of RMB, which is only two notes less than the 14 sets. The price is one-third of the full set, and it is the most cost-effective set of banknotes in the fourth set of RMB. It is suitable for working-class investment



The third bright spot: All banknotes in the king's banknotes are completely new and unique. The quality of the banknotes is the most important one in the BANKNOTE collection. The new banknotes are easier to preserve and highlight the value of the collection.



 Bright 4: All the fourth sets of RMB collected by the king of handed down banknotes are all assigned to the last four digits on a new basis, which has further increased its difficulty in collecting. This is also the finishing touch of this set of banknotes.



The fourth set of RMB is innovative and unique in its design style and printing technology. Reflects the theme of socialism at that time. In terms of design style, the fourth set of RMB has maintained and carried forward the characteristics of Chinese National art traditions. With the continuous rise of the RMB collection market, it has attracted more and more Tibetan friends 'attention and enthusiasm for the collection market. China has issued a total of five sets of currency before and after. However, the first four sets of RMB have already withdrawn from the market for circulation, and the price has already risen hundreds of times and thousands of times. The fourth set of RMB has to be withdrawn from the circulation market. Once it is withdrawn, it will be 20 times or even 200 times more valuable. A set of 10,000 yuan is easy, and the future price is immeasurable.


咨询热线:周经理 17129180068【微信同号】

Consultation Hotline: Zhoujingli 1712918068[WeChat same number]


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