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发布时间:2019-08-17 13:28来源:
Guizhou ruilin boutique recommended eight figures embossment flower board 人类社会存在以来,艺术一直是整个人类生活中的不可缺少的一部分。原始先民由于对自然现象还无法正确地解释,于是产生了


  Guizhou ruilin boutique recommended eight figures embossment flower board


  Since the existence of human society, art has been an indispensable part of human life. Primitive people, unable to properly explain natural phenomena, have created primitive religions. They express their worship of nature and gods in various ways. With the development of primitive religion, primitive sculpture art has been developed as an embodiment or expression of sacrificial belief and worship concept. The original cave paintings and carvings initially revealed the original characteristics of relief as an art form. Human material life, often affect the spiritual performance. In ancient times, primitive people used colors and lines to represent the natural objects they came into contact with in hunter-gatherer life, depicting them as flat paintings to express people’s concerns about these things. The first reliefs were created when linecuts were invented to fix and preserve these images in hard materials such as rock. With the accumulation of practical experience, people discovered the method of shadow representation, which gradually changed from the painting and drawing of plane shape to the attention of object volume. This attention, as well as the practice of using various materials to achieve volume expression, facilitated the initial development of the circular carving.



  After the disintegration of primitive society, relief art gradually became prosperous. In many ancient civilizations, tombs built to pray for eternal life after death, temples built to worship the gods of the ancestors, and monuments erected to praise the achievements of the emperor are all of grand and magnificent scale. Relief, a form of expression that combines the entity of sculpture with the narrative of painting, is largely adapted to the ancient social life and spiritual orientation. It provides a powerful way and broad space for the expression of people’s imagination of the sacred world or paradise ideal like Eden, as well as the recording of major events in real life.


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