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发布时间:2019-08-24 16:48来源:
智和文化汉代青铜四方尊(汉)精品推荐 中国的青铜器主要指 4000 多年前用铜锡合制的青铜器物,简称铜器。包括有炊器、食器、酒器、水器、乐器、车马饰、铜镜、带钩、兵器、工具和度


中国的青铜器主要指 4000 多年前用铜锡合制的青铜器物,简称“铜器”。包括有炊器、食器、酒器、水器、乐器、车马饰、铜镜、带钩、兵器、工具和度量衡器等。出现并流行于 4000 年前直到秦汉时代,以商周器物最为精美。最初出现的是小型工具或饰物。夏代始有青铜容器和兵器。商中期,青铜器品种已很丰富,并出现了铭文和精细的花纹。商晚期至西周早期,是青铜器发展的鼎盛时期,器型多种多样,浑厚凝重,铭文逐渐加长,花纹繁缛富丽。随后,青铜器胎体开始变薄,纹饰逐渐简化。 青铜器以其独特的器形、精美的纹饰、典雅的铭文向人们揭示了先秦时期的铸造工艺,文化水平和历史源流,因此被史学家们称为“一部活生生的史书”。中国的古文明悠久而又深远,青铜器则是其缩影与再现。在商周皇室权贵把青铜器作为宴享和放在宗庙里祭祀祖先的礼器。青铜器不是一般人可以拥有的,它作为一种权利和地位的象征、一种记事耀功的礼器而流传于世。 此藏品名为“青铜四方尊”。本器呈四方尊式结构,口部微敞,平沿带盖,盖上有四条龙纹位于四方,短束颈,溜肩,腹部四边外鼓,近足处束缚,圈足外撇。器形规整大方,严谨考究,曲线流畅而不呆滞,自然而不散乱。结构曲直相对,收张相合,使人产生起伏跌宕之感,消除了乏味枯燥的视觉感受。

Thebronzes mainly refer to bronze objects made of copper and tin more than 4,000 years ago, referred to as "bronze". Including pots, utensils,wine, water, musical instruments, horses and horses, bronze mirrors, hooks, weapons, tools and scales. It appeared and popularized 4,000years ago until the Qin and Han dynasties. Small tools or accessories first appeared. There were bronze containers and weapons in the XiaDynasty. In the middle of the business, the bronze wares were very rich, andinscriptions and fine patterns appeared. From the late ShangDynasty to the early Western Zhou Dynasty, it was the heyday of the development of bronzes. There were many kinds of shapes, thick anddignified, and the inscriptions gradually lengthened and the patterns were rich and prosperous. Subsequently, the bronze carcass began to thinand the ornamentation gradually simplified. With its unique shape, exquisite ornamentation and elegant inscriptions, bronzes reveal thecasting process, cultural level and historical origin of the pre-Qin period. Therefore, they are called "a living history book" by historians.China's ancient civilization is long and profound, and bronzes are its epitome and reproduction. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the royalfamily used the bronze ware as a feast for the ancestors in the ancestral temple. Bronze is not something that ordinary people can have. It ispassed on to the world as a symbol of rights and status, and a ritual of tribute. This collection is called "Bronze Quartet". The device has afour-sided structure, the mouth is slightly open, and the flat is covered with a cover. There are four dragon patterns on the cover, which are inthe square, short neck, shoulders, four sides of the abdomen, and close to the foot. The shape is regular and rigorous, the curve is smooth andnot sluggish, and it is natural and not scattered. The structure is straight and straight, and the convergence is combined, which makes peoplefeel ups and downs and eliminates the boring and boring visual experien


Collection name: Bronze Square Statue in Han Dynasty (Han)



This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!

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