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发布时间:2019-09-03 23:53来源:
藏品推荐:中港澳台珍钞纪念册 为了纪念重大事件由国家权威金融机构特别发行的纪念钞。 由于它十分具有纪念意义而且发行量小,所以有着很大的收藏价值和升职潜力, 中港澳台四










中港澳台珍钞纪念册 收录了中华人民共和国成立50周年纪念钞一枚



中港澳台珍钞纪念册:首次收录了中国内地,香港,澳门,台湾纪念钞内容全 前所未有,是藏品朋友不可多得的产品,升值空间非常之大。

全球限量发行2000套 编号1191 有中国人民银行字样


A commemorative note issued by a state authority to commemorate a major event.

Because it is very memorable and has a small circulation, it has great collection value and potential for promotion.

China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan cherish the strong combination of commemorative banknotes and create illegal values.

The China-Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Banknote Commemorative Album contains a commemorative note for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

The first Chinese commemorative banknote to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the return of Macao was 10.

Hong Kong plastic banknotes, 10 banknotes for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China, and 10 banknotes for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.

For the first time, the commemorative notes of China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are all unprecedented. They are rare products for friends in the collection and have a great room for appreciation.

Global Limited Issue 2000 Set of 1191 with People's Bank of China



咨询热线:周经理 17129180068【微信同号】

Consultation Hotline: Zhoujingli 1712918068[WeChat same number]


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