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发布时间:2019-09-04 20:00来源:
你见过这么精致的鎏银铜熏炉吗?带你走进它的世界一探究竟 中国古时用来熏香和取暖的炉子。熏香炉也叫香熏或者香炉,最初采用青铜为材料,汉代的博山炉就是青铜制成的。从汉代





An ancient Chinese stove used to smoke incense and keep warm. Incense burner, also known as incense burner or incense burner, was originally made of bronze. After the han dynasty, the material of incense burner was gradually enriched. In the song dynasty, the boshan stove made of porcelain appeared, but it could not resist the barbecue of fragrant powder, and soon became the plaything of the literati. Such as this, after the emergence of jade censer, jade censer and so on, are also used to display or play with the ornamental goods. Furnishings may be of higher value than practical ones. They are usually used by men of letters and elegant scholars, but only by large families.





No matter how different Chinese and western cultures are, the love of gold and silver is the same. Countries around the world trade gold and silver as currency, and wealth owners make gold and silver to highlight their noble status. In western society, no matter what kind of regime, ruling class all hold a monopoly on silver and silverware. Many silverware has been the exclusive articles of emperors in all dynasties. The crown and scepter used by the czar are all used in large amount of silver.

此天禄钮双龙戏珠鎏银铜薰炉为清代制大明宣德款,从藏品精致工艺和鎏银外宽可见此炉是大明宣德款炉子后仿款中的上等品! 工艺亦十分精细,融铸造、抛光、镂空等多种工艺于一体,为当时达官贵族 人士所用。


This double dragon and pearl smelting silver copper furnace is made by Ming xuande in the qing dynasty. It is the best product after Ming xuande furnace from the exquisite workmanship and the width of the silver. The process is also very fine, melting casting, polishing, hollow out and other processes in one, for the use of the nobles at that time.

This furnace height: 14.3cm, caliber: 6.7cm, the shape is exquisite, the craft is exquisite, the stove cover has the day lu rui beast to ward off evil, next has four elephant head distribution four directions, the implied meaning "the four seas rise level, the peace has the elephant" the furnace ear is decorated with the dragon pattern, the furnace body is carved with the double dragon play bead pattern, the furnace is enough to beast head for the pattern, everywhere all shows the royal noble style. In the qing dynasty can use this furnace must be royal relatives and dignitaries! It is a rare work in the world of ancient Tibetan, and silver and copper smelting furnace is a rare work, which has very high historical value and collection value.

交易联系人北京国枰拍卖有限公司 张总:13537791901

Transaction contact Beijing scale auction co., LTD. Zhang zong: 13537791901

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