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发布时间:2019-09-18 19:51来源:
盛世收藏精品推荐《清代补物》! 【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖




Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.

【名称】 清代补物


【类别】 杂项

[Name] Complement of Qing Dynasty

[Specification] 29.1 cm long and 27 cm wide

[Category] Miscellaneous


The complement is a kind of official dress with official grade emblem, or mending gown. The pattern is mainly sewn on the front chest and back of the official clothes. It is because of this kind of complement that it is called complementary clothes. In the Qing Dynasty, official clothes were worn in the most occasions and for the longest time. The most obvious difference in official ranks was that the civil officials embroidered "mends" with the decoration of civilian birds and military generals with the decoration of beasts.

补物又称胸背,简称补子,指中国明朝及清朝、朝鲜王朝、越南黎朝至阮朝、琉球国官员服装上,位于胸前和背后的方形装饰。不同等级的官员补子的图案不同,而文官和武将的补子又不同。文官的补子的图案用飞禽,武将的的补子用猛兽。绣官服上的补子,是识别官员等级的一种标识。The complement, also known as chest and back, is a square decoration on the front and back of the official clothing of Ming and Qing Dynasty, Korean Dynasty, Vietnam from Li Dynasty to Ruan Dynasty and Ryukyu State. Different levels of official complements have different patterns, while civil servants and military generals have different complements. The pattern of the civil servant's complement is birds, and the military general's complement is beasts. The mend on embroidered official clothes is a sign to identify the rank of officials.


Among the costume systems in ancient China, the feudal hierarchy was best reflected by the official uniforms of hundreds of civil and military officials. Officials at all levels have different designs and patterns on official clothes according to the grade of civil and military. Through these various patterns, we can see the epitome of the ancient official hierarchy. It began to appear in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The complements used by officials in Ming and Qing Dynasties all appeared in the form of square supplements, which were made by brocade, embroidery and silk reeling. The Ming Dynasty's official supplements were large in size and well-made, mostly in plain colour, and mostly in red, with gold thread coiled into various patterns on them. Civilian Bu Zi embroidered two birds, accompanied by flying, while military Bu Zi embroidered a single animal, or standing or squatting. Compared with the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty's complements are small and simple, with the civilian officials embroidering single birds and the military officers embroidering beasts of prey; the complements are based on dark colors such as blue, black and dark red.


In the Qing Dynasty, the complement existed with the official position, which was limited by the imperial court and could not be produced in large quantities. Therefore, it had a very high technological value and historical value. Today, it has become a precious collection of cultural relics.


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