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发布时间:2019-09-20 11:26来源:
典藏推荐 河南省造双旗币 河南省造双旗币的铸造数量不及湖南省造的一半,遵着物以稀为贵的法则,价格远远高于其他省币。 双旗币起源民国,1911年清帝退位后,中华民国宣布成立。






The number of the double-flag in Henan Province is less than half that of Hunan, and the price is much higher than that of other provincial currency. The Republic of China announced the founding of the Republic of China in the Republic of China in the Republic of China in the Republic of China in 1911. In 1914, Tongyuan was formally changed to the "copper coin". The biggest difference between the copper coins and the Qing Dynasty in the Republic of China was that the dragon pattern was replaced with the grain of the grain of the rice. The copper elements cast in the provinces are mostly the national flag patterns of the two-sided fork and have the words of "open-country commemorative coin" or "the Republic of China".

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