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发布时间:2019-09-24 03:24来源:


"Sanfan Chronicle Stories" has a clearer record of this: "Yongming King Shenzong Sun, who avoided Wuzhou, changed Yuan's"Yongli"in C Xu, has four kinds of money. At that time, China was in the peasant war at the end of Ming Dynasty. Like Xingchao Tongbao, it is the product of troubled times. Yongli Tongbao is a coin minted by the Nanming government. It is similar to Xingchao Tongbao in many characteristics, such as large castings and long casting time. It belongs to the style of "Yunnan School". Qian Wen is mostly written by craftsmen, so the font is simple and simple. Inner Guo and outer Guo are broader than other coins, and the money is easy to polish and not very neat. Most of them are copper coins; the founders are rough, but the money is full of weight. Until the Xianfeng and Tongzhi dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, the large amount of money cast in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces was also vaguely visible.



[Collection Name]: Tongbao Yongli

【规格】:重:8.9g 直径:35.74mm

[Specification] Weight: 8.9g Diameter: 35.74mm


Singapore Auction

永明王 (朱由榔) 乃明神宗朱翊钧孙、桂恭王朱常瀛少子。1646年在广东肇庆即位,建元“永历”。1652年,永历帝迁往贵州省安隆所 (今安龙县),因永历移住之故,改为安龙,成为抗清指挥中枢要地。永历小朝廷初建时,便与张献忠余部孙可望、李定国联合抗清。盛极之时,曾掌控广东、广西、湖南、江西、贵州、云南、四川、甘肃等广大地区,中兴或可有望。惜乎朱由榔无所作为,软弱昏聩,加之朝臣派系林立,将帅居功骄恃,相互倾轧,纷争不断。致使清军乘隙而下,大举南犯。吴三桂又卖祖求荣,与清军三路合围,永历帝只得弃安龙,一路凄风苦雨西奔,流离惊窜。出逃缅甸,缅王在吴三桂大军压境之下,将永历帝献出,康熙元年 (1662年),奸逆吴三桂在昆明用弓弦将其绞杀,在位十六年的永历皇帝时年39岁。风雨飘摇中的南明永历小朝廷最终落下帷幕。

The King of Yongming (Zhu Yourong) is the younger son of Zhu Yijun, the God of Ming, and Zhu Changying, the king of Guigong. In 1646, he assumed the throne in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, and founded the Yuan Dynasty "Yongli". In 1652, Emperor Yongli moved to Anlongsuo, Guizhou Province (today's Anlong County). As a result of Yongli's relocation, he changed to Anlong and became the command center of the Anti-Qing Dynasty. When the Yongli Xiao Dynasty was first built, it joined forces with Sun Kewang and Li Dingguo of Zhang Xianzhong and resisted the Qing Dynasty. At the height of prosperity, he had taken control of vast areas such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan and Gansu. ZTE may be expected. Regrettably, Zhu Yulang did nothing, was weak and dim, and there were numerous factions of courtiers and ministers, so the generals were proud of their merits, fighting each other, and disputes continued. As a result, the Qing army went down in the gap and committed a large number of southern crimes. Wu Sangui sold his ancestors for honor, and closed in with the Qing Army's three routes. Emperor Yongli had to abandon Anlong and run westward in miserable wind and bitter rain. Escaping from Myanmar, the Burmese king, under the pressure of Wu Sangui's army, dedicated Yongli Emperor. In the first year of Kangxi (1662), Wu Sangui, a traitor, hanged him with bow strings in Kunming. The emperor of Yongli, who was in power for 16 years, was 39 years old. The small imperial court of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty finally came to an end.


Zheng Chenggong Megatron shook the southeastern coast, but fought most of the time in southern Fujian. The circulation area of "Yongli Tongbao" is mainly in southern Fujian and Taiwan. After Minnan returned to Qing Dynasty, Yongli Tongbao continued to circulate. According to the Record of the Saint-ancestor, "In December of the nineteenth year of Kangxi, Yao Qisheng, Governor of Fujian Province, said,"Please set up a furnace in Zhangzhou Prefecture for drum casting, and the money is recited in Zhang characters." The small money used by the people in Qianming Dynasty is bought and destroyed at a price. From there. In this way, "Yongli Tongbao" circulated in Fujian for 29 years from Shunzhi nine years to Kangxi nineteen years.


The circulation of "Yongli Tongbao" in Taiwan should begin after the recovery of Taiwan (1662), and lasted until the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi (1688), with a circulation time of 27 years.

《永历通宝》该钱重:8.9g 直径:35.74mm;背面竖列“壹分”币值,值银壹分。南明时期,因国家骤乱,铜钱错杂,物价朝升夕降,难以稳定,民众皆舍铜用银。该钱铸工精良,文字劲朗。持手把玩,南明永历一十六载痛史宛现眼前!由于当时的清军已经入关多年,导致当时社会动荡,物件不稳,钱币不统一,《永历通宝》存世量稀少,臻品难求,此枚是不可多得的收藏佳品。

"Yongli Tongbao" the weight of the money: 8.9g diameter: 35.74mm; the back of the vertical row of "one cent" currency value, value of silver. During the Nanming Dynasty, because of the state chaos, miscellaneous copper money, rising and falling prices, it was difficult to stabilize, and the people all gave up copper and silver. The money is well-crafted and written. Hand in hand, Nanming Yongli 16 years painful history is now in sight! Because the Qing army had been in customs for many years, which led to social unrest, unstable objects and inconsistent coins, Yongli Tongbao was rare in stock and hard to find. This is a rare collection.








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