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发布时间:2019-09-26 21:17来源:


Mexican Silver Dollar is also called "Ink Silver" or "Eagle Ocean", and later "British Ocean". The history of coinage in Mexico dates back to the 16th century. As Mexico abounds in non-ferrous metals such as silver, the ancient Indian Aztecans have long mastered the superb skills of processing precious metals such as gold, silver and copper into daily necessities, ornaments and sacrificial utensils.



[Collection Name]: Eagle Currency


[Category]: Coins


However, Mexico has maintained a long tradition of coinage, which has become an art. For money collectors, collecting coins from Mexico's clocks is very precious. Inspired by tribal gods, the ancient Indian Azteca built their homes where Eagles held snakes and stood on cactus. Until now, all coins minted in Mexico have this emblem on them. At that time, silver coins with Eagle patterns, because of their excellent fineness, became the market currency after flowing into China, which was called "Eagle Ocean" by the people.


The legendary story of "Eagle Ocean" not only shows the art of coinage in Mexico, but also is an example of friendly exchanges between human beings. The history of coinage is actually a part of the culture of a country and a nation, and also an important part of human civilization.

此件藏品墨西哥鹰洋币正面是一展翅雄鹰,嘴叼长蛇(花边鹰洋蛇尾与鹰翅相连)单腿立在仙人掌(国花象征着墨西哥人顽强的斗争精神)上,边缘上方书西班文"REPUBLICA MEXICANA(墨西哥共和国)。背面中央为一顶自由软帽。帽檐书有西班牙文"LIBERTAD(自由)"字样。帽周围放射长短不一的光柱(花边鹰洋自由帽顶部的3支光柱中间一支较短)图案象征着力量、忠诚、和平和自由。边缘下半方铸有8R.M.1881.M.H.10D.20G.字样,字体规整,品相极好。墨西哥一直保持着悠久的铸币传统,在世界上享有声誉,许多国家都委托墨西哥铸币,这已经成为一种艺术。此枚精品银币钱文轮廓的清晰程度好,质量、工艺、成色堪称一流,对于集币爱好者来说,这枚墨西哥的鹰洋币,具有很高的历史价值、艺术价值和收藏价值。

On the front of the collection is a winged eagle with a long snake (lace eagle's tail is connected with eagle's wing) standing on a cactus (national flower symbolizes Mexican's indomitable fighting spirit) with a long snake in its mouth. On the edge, the book "REPUBLICA MEXICANA" (Republic of Mexico) is written in Spanish. The center of the back is a free bonnet. The eaves have the Spanish word "LIBERTAD (Freedom)". The light pillars around the cap (the middle of the three pillars on the top of the Lace Eagle Ocean Freedom Cap is shorter) symbolize strength, loyalty, peace and freedom. The bottom half of the edge is cast with 8R.M.1881.M.H.10D.20G. with Regular Fonts and excellent quality. Mexico has always maintained a long tradition of coinage and enjoyed a reputation in the world. Many countries have entrusted Mexican coinage, which has become an art. This exquisite silver coin has a clear outline and excellent quality, craftsmanship and fineness. For coin collectors, this Mexican Eagle coin has a high historical, artistic and collecting value.







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