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发布时间:2019-09-28 18:12来源:
2019新加坡精品推荐:鱼宝 陕西信尊文化发展有限公司 【藏 . 荐】栏 为了迎合市场需求, 本公司特 推出陶瓷、玉器、近现代书画、古籍善本、珠宝翡翠、印章、邮品钱币、文房四宝、


陕西信尊文化发展有限公司【藏.荐】栏 为了迎合市场需求,本公司特推出陶瓷、玉器、近现代书画、古籍善本、珠宝翡翠、印章、邮品钱币、文房四宝、竹木牙雕、金铜佛像、等专业性很强的大型拍卖跟买家推荐会活动。满足不同藏品的在市场上正常运作。





Fish treasure, commonly known as fish bite, is a stone in the intestine and stomach of fish. Because common fish seldom appear fish treasure. It often occurs in large-scale submarine organisms such as sharks and whales. It is extremely difficult to see, so that it does not enter the commonly used medicinal materials. Especially, the probability of fish treasure appearing in edible fish is very few. Whether it is for medical use or collection, it has great value. Its medicinal effect is mainly used for clearing heat, detoxifying, expectorating and astonishing. It has sedative effect on human body. It can treat heartbeat, insomnia and other diseases. Used for antipyretic, detoxification and astonishment. Internal administration was used to treat febrile coma, madness, infantile convulsions, convulsions and other symptoms. External administration was used to treat throat swelling and pain, aphtha swelling and uremia. Overseas research on Huang has achieved remarkable results in the field of cancer change therapy. Because the natural fish treasure is very precious, the fish must be more than a year before the "winning rate" of one millionth. Generally, collectors and some high-end people like to collect it as a medicine, and even worse, make a pendant hanging on their neck as an ornament, which has the effect of avoiding disasters and evil spirits. In short, it is rare to see, and has high appreciation and medicinal value.
此藏品现交于陕西信尊文化发展有限公司网络市场部专员运作推广,欢迎各位莅临本公司赏析及协商,广大收藏家可以通过各大媒体以及欢迎 到公司了解详情,如需意向购买,提前办理好相关手续过来公司协商

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