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发布时间:2019-10-06 18:04来源:
盛世推荐《中华民国钱币一组》即将在英国举槌! 【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘




  [Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.




A group of coins of the Republic of China

[Collection Specification] Diameter: 34.2 mm. Weight: 9.16g

Miscellaneous items


In November 1935, the Kuomintang government announced the implementation of the French currency policy, prohibiting the circulation of silver in the market. Subsequently, 21 versions of nickel were circulated in the market, but in fact, as early as 1935, the government of the Republic of China appointed the American mint to cast points, to pick up and distribute 11 nickels each, and sent them to the national government to submit samples. During the period of the National Government, most of the coinage matters dealt with the United States, such as the preparation of the Central Mint and the management after construction. "Ship ocean" dies are supplied by the Philadelphia Mint all the way. In the twenty-four years of the Republic of China, the trial production of nickel coins was also made by the factory. It was produced by the Central Mint in twenty-five. At the end of 1935, the Central Mint of Shanghai officially made nickel coins.


On February 8, 1914, the National Government issued a 5-cent nickel. In the 24 years of the Republic of China, 5 points, 10 points and 20 points were issued. At that time, less nickels were used in circulation in provinces and municipalities. Until 1936, the first batch of nickels was delivered by the Central Bank. Because of the small quantity and insufficient distribution, the second batch of nickels was 50,000 yuan, with a value of 5 cents, 10 cents and 20 cents. Among them, 5 cents were 20,000 yuan, 10 cents and 20 cents were 15,000 yuan each. The central bank, the banks listed to replace nickel, because the circulation and stock of nickel 10 cents is less, so this collection has a high collection value.

中华民国三十年孙小头镍币,品相精美,纹饰优雅,包浆入骨,鏽色自然,纵使历经无穷岁月的洗礼,仍可保存此态,实属不易,钱币正面中央为孙中山侧面肖像,边缘内上镌中文书“中华民国三十年”;纹饰精美,刻画细致,五官深邃,形神俱备,连毛髮、衣纹等细小的东西都清晰可见,工艺极其精湛。钱币背面中央为布币图案,在古币两侧镌币值“十分”,字体端庄清秀,规整圆润,遒劲有力,挺拔俊秀,极具书法艺术价值。钱币正反面线圈外依廓缘镌回纹,设计精美,造型别致,观之,美轮美奂,十分独特,实乃一枚可遇不可求的钱币收藏精品,身价不凡,价值不菲,值得珍藏。另外两枚为民国钱币,虽品相稍差,但颇具收藏意义,价格不高,属孙小头十分镍币陪衬品。In the thirty years of the Republic of China, the sun's small nickel coins were beautifully decorated, beautifully decorated, wrapped in bone and rusty naturally. Even after the baptism of endless years, it was still hard to preserve this state. It was not easy. The central part of the coin was Sun Zhongshan's side portrait. The Chinese book "thirty years of the Republic of China" was engraved in the margin. Such small things are clearly visible, extremely exquisite craftsmanship. The central part of the back of the coin is a cloth pattern. On both sides of the old coin, the value of the coin is ten. The font is dignified and elegant, regular and round, strong and powerful, tall and handsome, which is of great artistic value in calligraphy. The outer side of the coin is surrounded by the edge of the coin. It is beautifully designed and unique in shape. It is beautiful and unique. It is a collection of coins that can not be met. It is worth the collection. The other two coins are Minguo coins. Although they are slightly worse in quality, they are quite valuable for collection. The price is not high. They are the foil of Sun Xiaotou's nickel coins.

此件藏品为本次英国伦敦拍场核心推荐藏品,欢迎各位藏友莅临英国伦敦拍场咨询竞拍,机会难得!This collection is the core recommendation of the London Campaign. Welcome all Tibetan friends to come to London Campaign for consultation and bidding. This is a rare opportunity!


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