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发布时间:2019-10-07 20:29来源:
藏品编号【JH075】 陈铁珊(1733-1799)清代著名画家。号两峰,又号衣云、别号花之寺、金牛山人、 洲渔父、师莲老人。祖籍安徽歙县,后为江苏甘泉(今扬州)人。在场州自称住处谓朱















陈铁珊(1733-1799)清代著名画家。号两峰,又号衣云、别号花之寺、金牛山人、 洲渔父、师莲老人。祖籍安徽歙县,后为江苏甘泉(今扬州)人。在场州自称住处谓“朱草诗林”。为金农入室弟子,未作官,好游历。画人物、佛像、山水、花果、梅、兰、竹等,无所不工。笔调奇创,超逸不群,别具一格。为“扬州八怪”之一。










Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD

Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction.

[Name] Uphill Tiger


[Specification] Width: 62.5cm Length: 130cm

[Category] Traditional Chinese painting






Chen Tieshan (1733-1799) famous painter of the Qing Dynasty. No. two peaks, and also No. Yiyun, No. Flower Temple, Jinniushan people, Zhou Yufu, Shilian old man. He was born in Anhui Province, and later in Jiangsu Ganquan (now Yangzhou). In the state, the self-proclaimed residence is called "Zhu Cao Shilin." For the golden peasants to enter the room disciples, not an official, so travel. Painting characters, Buddha statues, landscapes, flowers and fruits, plums, orchids, bamboos, etc., do everything. The style of the brush is extraordinary, super-easy and unique. It is one of the "eight strangers of Yangzhou."

The tiger is one of the indispensable beasts in the traditional culture of our country. It is the king of the kings and is a symbol of the ruling power. It has been in the private sector for a long time, and it has also been shown as a symbol of power and strength. The dragon and the tiger are in the back of the tiger, but in the zodiac, the tiger ranks third, and the tiger is behind the dragon. In short, it is a symbol of power, heroism and strength. The dragon is in the clouds, the tiger is in the wind like lightning, and each has its own characteristics, each with its own unique deity. The tiger has different meanings in the Shangshan Tiger and the Downhill Tiger.


[Uphill Tiger] The mountain tiger means that the tiger is on the back, taking the meaning of step by step, generally adopting the posture of looking up at the moon, or looking back at the symbol of Wang Wei, the tiger painting is generally the scenery, the mountain stream is the pine branch of the moon. Decoration, it seems quiet and far-reaching, meaning peace and nothing. Hanging tiger paintings in the living room, generally the above-mentioned mountain tiger style is good, because the tiger goes up the mountain and travels to the three mountains and five sacred mountains, meaning that peace is fine, and the wind climbs step by step, it should be hung on the inner wall of the living room.


[Lower Mountain Tiger] The downhill tiger adopts a hungry tiger-fighting posture, often accompanied by Xuejingshan Shihuxiao Wangwei, highlighting the symbol of the Tiger King as a symbol of respect, hanging in the home for the town to avoid evil. Some people say that the tigers are violent down the mountain. In fact, the tigers are hungry to hurt people, and they are tangible, and there are countless wounds. The downhill tiger should hang on the wall of the door, and use its fierce momentum to hold the invading evil spirits. In particular, the tiger head should be inward, and it should be facing the outside of the house or outside the gate. Only then can the auspiciousness of the house be prosperous.



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