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发布时间:2019-10-23 16:30来源:
山西益昌升精品推荐-----光绪元宝 藏品名称:北洋造光绪元宝 Name of Collection: Guangxu Yuanbao Made by Beiyang 藏品规格:重量:27.2g 直径:39.13mm Collection specification: weight: 27.2g diameter: 39.13mm 历





Name of Collection: Guangxu Yuanbao Made by Beiyang

藏品规格:重量:27.2g 直径:39.13mm

Collection specification: weight: 27.2g diameter: 39.13mm




历史的长河奔腾不息,每个时代都会有一些荡气回肠的英雄故事,随着时间的流逝,或被人千古传唱,或默默被人遗忘。每个朝代的变更,帝王的轮换,无不紧握着财政大权和军事大权。  每个时代也会有自己独特的产物,默默的反应的当时的社会背景和经济发展,或像瓷器一样华丽奢靡,或像字画那样温文尔雅。打开历史的大门,解密历史背后的传奇————《光绪元宝》。


The long river of history is flowing endlessly. Every era will have some heroic stories that are stirring and stirring. With the passage of time, they will be sung through the ages or silently forgotten. The change of each dynasty and the rotation of emperors all hold the financial and military power tightly. Each era will have its own unique products, silently reflecting the social background and economic development at that time, either luxuriously extravagant like porcelain or gentle like calligraphy and painting. Opening the Gate of History and Decrypting the Legend Behind History-Guangxu Yuanbao.




Beiyang is now the old name of Tianjin area and was called Zhili province in Qing dynasty. Beiyang Machinery Bureau (also known as General Administration of Arms and Machinery and Tianjin Machinery Manufacturing Bureau) was an early modern arsenal in China. It was founded in 1867 by Chonghou and others, the three trade ministers of Beiyang, and was taken over by Li Hongzhang in 1870. In the 13th year of Guangxu's reign (1887), Li hongzhang founded the machine coinage bureau (baojin bureau) attached to Beiyang machinery bureau in Tianjin. the machine coinage equipment came partly from Beiyang machinery bureau and partly from Britain. In the 21st year of Guangxu (1895), the Qing government allowed all provinces to make imitation western silver coins. Wang Wenshao, the then minister of Beiyang, ordered Beiyang Machinery Bureau to try to make silver coins. In July of the 22nd year of Guangxu (1896), a set of silver coins with the main coins in the unit of one dollar, five cents, two cents, one and half cents in a set of five-and-a-half coins were made, which was the initial silver coins made by Beiyang Machinery Bureau.






Silver coins were issued from 1898 to 1907, with a normal fineness of 89%-90%. On the front is an inscription, on the top is a regular script "made in Beiyang". on the bottom is a coin with a value of 4 cents for every dollar in kuping. the center reads "Guangxu yuanbao" directly. the coin center is the Manchu word "Guangxu yuanbao". The top of the outer ring on the back of the silver coin is inscribed with the words "made in Beiyang" in small English standard font. the following is the English currency value. the inner ring is cast with a picture of a coiled dragon in the center. the appearance is exquisite and its aesthetic style is unique. Although coins are small, they can also have a glimpse of social culture.

光绪元宝北洋造库平七钱二分是北洋造光绪元宝中第一种镌有干支纪年的银币,是至今遗存极罕的精铸银币,十分难得。 北洋造币局于光绪二十五年始,铸行面值库平计重的“光绪元宝”,在这类币的背面左侧阿拉伯数字表示该币为光绪X年版。此藏品背面左侧的“34”表示此币为光绪34年所造。北洋造34年光绪元宝库平七钱二分发行量少,市场稀缺,为稀有币种,近年来收藏钱币市场火热,所以此钱币具有极高的收藏和投资价值!

The seven-cent silver coin made by Beiyang for Guangxu Yuanbao is the first silver coin inscribed with the year of the main branch in Beiyang for Guangxu Yuanbao. It is a rare precision cast silver coin that remains today. Since the 25th year of Guangxu, Beiyang Mint Bureau has started to produce "Guangxu Yuanbao" with a nominal value and a flat weight. Arabic numerals on the left side of the back of this type of coin indicate that the currency is the X-year version of Guangxu. The "34" on the left side of the back of the collection indicates that the coin was made in the 34th year of Guangxu. Beiyang made 34 years Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping's seven-cent coin has a small circulation and a scarce market. It is a rare currency. In recent years, the market for collecting coins is very hot. Therefore, this coin has extremely high collection and investment value.




This coin is made by Beiyang and is worth seven and a half cents. Its appearance is perfect, its style is elegant and neat, and its decoration is exquisite and smooth. On the front side of the silver coin, four Chinese characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" were inscribed in the bead circle in the center. On the outside of the bead circle, Chinese characters "Beiyang Zao" were inscribed on the upper end, and on the lower end, Chinese currency "Kuping Seven Cents and Two Cents" were inscribed on the left and right ends. On the back of the silver coin, a picture of a dragon was engraved in the center; on the upper ring, an English word "Guangxu 34 years" was engraved; on the lower ring, an English word "Beiyang" was engraved; on the left and right ends, a dot was engraved on the lower side. Panlong's eyes were full of magic and brilliance. Long Lin is finely carved, walking in clouds and driving in mist, and has a powerful figure. The dragon's claws are conspicuous and SHEN WOO is powerful. The dragon's body occupied the sun and displayed the majesty of the royal air. Coin front rarely shows the integration of Manchu and Han cultures, while money back clearly indicates the intervention of western culture, which has certain historical and cultural research and archaeological value, and belongs to the collection of ancient coins.


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