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2019年伦敦拍卖精品推荐 猪宝.

发布时间:2019-10-25 21:52来源:
2019年伦敦拍卖精品推荐 猪宝 【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得





[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.





【名称】: 猪 宝


【类型】: 杂 项







[name]: Zhu Bao


[type]: Miscellaneous


[Specification]: weight: 877.5g












Pig treasure needs a long growth cycle to fully mature. The current breeding time is relatively short. Although pig treasure is sometimes found, many of them are immature pig treasure after being identified, which has no medicinal value. Pig treasure's bilirubin must reach 10% before it has value. Of course, some people pay for immature pig treasure as a collection. Price nature and mature pig treasure can't be discussed in the same day.


The "treasure" in animal intestines and stomachs is generally known as Niuhuang, Zhusha, goubao, mabao, Jibao, Yabao, which are also known as the six treasures of traditional Chinese medicine. Niuhuang is the gallstone of cattle or buffalo; goubao is the gallstone of Canidae; Zhusha and mabao are the gallstones in the gastrointestinal tract of sick horses; Yabao and Jibao are also the gallstones in the gastrointestinal tract or gallbladder. However, at present, in addition to bezoar is more common, other five treasures are quite rare, with high medicinal value. Its medicinal effect is similar to that of bezoar. It is mainly used for clearing away heat, detoxifying, resolving phlegm and calming the body. It can treat heart rate, insomnia and so on. Pigs with pig sand generally have the characteristics of baldness, little food, high temperature, weak walking, thin body, red eyes, restlessness and howling. When slaughtering pigs, we should check the gall bladder, bile duct and liver duct for lumps. If there is any hard block, it shall be scraped and taken out immediately, the adhered inner membrane and other things shall be peeled, and then it shall be wrapped with clean cotton and wool to prevent it from breaking and scattering, and then it shall be hung in the shade to let it dry naturally, and it shall not be exposed to the wind and sun, so as not to affect the quality. A staff member of Meizhou food and Drug Administration said that the price of "pig's sand" is mainly regulated by the market and difficult to be supervised by relevant departments, "but we have been improving the quality standards of Chinese patent medicines, especially those containing precious varieties of Chinese herbal medicines."


Since ancient times, the folk three treasures "Niuhuang, goubao and mabao" have a long history and have been clinically verified to have many curative effects. The saying of zhubao has only been known in recent years. Whether it has much effect or not depends on scientific basis. Before the conclusion given by authoritative medical institutions, everything is of little value, but as a collection, etc. To be appreciated or interested, we need to make a difference. The precious stones of animals are rare, which can be treasured and have great medicinal value.









This collection is the core recommended collection for this London auction. Welcome to come to London auction for consultation and auction. It's a rare opportunity!

















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