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盛世收藏精品推荐 稀世珍宝银锭

发布时间:2019-11-07 19:29来源:
盛世收藏精品推荐 稀世珍宝银锭 【藏 . 荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品 , 为藏家牵线搭桥 , 让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视 , 在

盛世收藏精品推荐 稀世珍宝银锭

【藏.荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。Column for the collection of powerful dissemination effect to each buyer recommended by the national expert selection of art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and take seriously, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.



【规格】直径88.3mm 46.3mm 重量380.5g

  【类别】 杂项



[Name]Silver bullion, a rare treasure

specificationsDiameter 88.3mm height 46.3mm weight 380.5g


Show the price2800000.00 CNY

清代的银锭是中国历史上品种最为繁多的时期,当时几乎每个省都有自己的银锭形态,大体上是有元宝形、圆形、方形、砝码形、腰形、糟形、大翅形、牌坊形、茶花行等几大类。而清代银锭的计量单位是两,所以故称之为银两,因为清代距离现在已经有将近两个世纪了,所以相对来说清代十两银锭存世量比较少,按照收藏行业里的说法物以稀为贵,那么清代十两银锭他的收藏市场就非常巨大,未来的升值空间也是非常巨大。Silver ingots in the qing dynasty were the most diversified in Chinese history. At that time, almost every province had its own form of silver ingots, which were mainly in the shape of silver ingot, round, square, weight, waist, lump, big wing, archway and camellia row. And sycee measuring unit is in the qing dynasty, so called silver, because the distance is in the qing dynasty for nearly two centuries, so relatively juryo pieces of silver in the qing dynasty only a less, according to the collection in the industry say are seen with rare for expensive, so qing dynasty juryo sycee his collection market is very huge, the future appreciation space is very large.

作为清代的主要货币,其历史含义还是比较深远的,要知道我国历史上其实工匠他的技术都是以非常传统的方式来铸造,银锭的铸造方式就是以银两铸造而成,上面进行刻字,我们可以看清楚银两他的字体非常清晰,而且字体书写形式非常的整齐。目前因为银两的流通市场已经不存在非常之久了,所以如果手上还有一定的银两的话,那么它未来的空间是非常巨大,所以建议大家能够继续持有。按照目前07年交易的明代永乐五十两银锭来看,其成交价值是156万,清代十两银锭来看,其价值也不可小觑。As the main currency of the qing dynasty and its historical meanings or more profound, want to know the history of our country actually craftsman his technology is very traditional way of casting, silver ingots casting is cast in silver and become, lettering, above we can see clear silver his font clear, and the font written form is very neat. At present, because the circulation market of silver liang has not existed for a long time, so if there is still a certain amount of silver liang, then its future space is very large, so we suggest that everyone can continue to hold. According to the current 07 years of transactions in the Ming dynasty yongle fifty-two silver ingots, its transaction value is 1.56 million, qing dynasty twelve silver ingots, its value is not to be underestimated.

当然价格如何,其实跟藏品的品相以及做工还有存世量挂钩。如果藏品的品相非常之好而且存世量非常稀少,那么该藏品它的未来价格非常可观。所以如果有持有这样的银两,最好能够将其继续收藏,随着时间沉淀,价格仍然水涨船高。Of course, how to price, actually with the collection of goods and workmanship and the amount of the world. If the collection is very good in shape and very few exist, the future value of the collection is very good. So if there is such a silver, it is best to be able to continue to collect, as time precipitation, the price is still rising.

银锭,中国古代货币,即熔铸成锭的白银。始自汉代,其后各代皆有铸造,但流通不广。至明代盛行,但不是国家法定银锭货币。至清,始作为主要货币流通。重量不等,因以“两”为主要重量单位,故又称银两。银两是法定通货,不仅民间交易收藏使用,官府收纳地丁捐税也使用。由此形成银两制度,明太祖朱元璋即位前后,民间交易多用金银。洪武八年(1375)发行宝钞(即钞)后,朝廷多次下令禁止民间以金银为货币进行交易,违者治罪。但政府发钞铸钱(见制钱)仍以银价为标准。银钞之间、银钱之间都有一定比价,同年定价,银一两当钱一千文,当钞一贯。明英宗即位后,放松用银的禁令,收赋有米麦折银之令,并减少各种纳钞项目,以米银钱当钞。Silver ingots, ancient Chinese currency, that is, ingot silver. From the han dynasty, the subsequent generations are cast, but not widely circulated. To the Ming dynasty prevailed, but not the national legal silver COINS. To the qing dynasty, as the main currency circulation. Weight is different, because "two" as the main weight unit, it is also called silver. Silver is legal currency, not only private transactions collection use, the government received ding tax also use. Thus the formation of the two silver system, Ming taizu zhu yuanzhang acceded to the throne before and after the folk trade mostly gold and silver. In the eighth year of hongwu's reign (1375), after the issuance of banknotes, the court repeatedly banned the private exchange of gold and silver as currency. However, the government issues banknotes and COINS (see money production) still based on the silver price as the standard. There is a certain value between banknotes and banknotes. In the same year, the price of a banknote is fixed. After Ming yingzong ascended the throne, he relaxed the ban on the use of silver, adopted the order of folding rice and wheat with silver, and reduced various items of banknote payment, using rice as banknote.

银锭,在古时候被称为元宝,在我国宋代的时候又被叫为:银铤,大约在我国的三国时期和南北朝的时候开始出现的,因为一些历史的原因,所以直到现今存世量并不是很多,然后也因为银锭在当时是主要流通的货币,所以一直以来银锭的关注度只增不减,今天我们要来了解的是大清银锭最新价格,下面我们一起来看看吧。型较固定,主要是呈马蹄形,重量有明确的规定;第二种是中锭,这种银锭主要呈现出锤形,重量有明确的规定,民间多称其为小元宝;第三种是小锞或锞子,外形是馒头状,重量有明确的规定;第四种散碎银子,这种收藏价值较前三者有较大的差距,是最常见的银锭形式。不同种类的清代银锭为其保值功能提供了坚实的基础,尤其是近几年,收藏市场整体行情的好转带动了其价格暴涨,根据市场反馈的行情,清代最小的银锭也在百元左右,是很多的藏品所不能比拟的。那么,怎么样才能判断一件银锭的好坏呢?现在在市场的银锭价格普遍都很高,在2007年以后,银锭在市场上的价值就日渐上升,以前只能卖十几万的10两的银锭,在现在的市场上可以卖到一两百万左右,以前只能卖到几十万的50两银锭,如今更是可以卖到至少大几百万以上。还有一些制作比较精湛的银锭,到现在甚至可以卖到两百多万甚至更高。可见其价值的不菲。Pieces of silver, in ancient times known as ingots, in our country was called in the song dynasty is: silver collar, about The Three Kingdoms period in our country and the southern and northern dynasties began to appear, because of some historical reasons, so until now only and is not a lot, and also because of pieces of silver is the main currencies at that time, so long pieces of silver the attention only grow, today we are going to understand is qing after the latest price, below we together and see it. Type more fixed, mainly horseshoe-shaped, weight has a clear stipulation; The second is medium ingots. This kind of silver ingots are mainly shaped like hammers and their weight is clearly defined. The third is small Ke or KeZi, is steamed bun shape, weight has clear rules; The fourth kind of broken silver, the value of this collection than the first three have a larger gap, is the most common form of silver ingots. Different types of qing dynasty silver ingots provide a solid foundation for its preservation function, especially in recent years, the improvement of the overall price of the collection market led to its price soaring, according to the market feedback, the qing dynasty's smallest silver ingots are also around 100 yuan, which is incomparable to many collections. So how do you judge a piece of silver? Now after the price in the market is generally high, after 2007, the value of the pieces of silver in the market is rising, previously can sell tens of 10 two pieces of silver, in the current market can be sold to around nt $, can only be sold to hundreds of thousands of 50 before two pieces of silver, now it is can sell for at least more than several million. There are some more exquisite production of silver ingots, even now can sell more than two million or even higher. So it's worth a lot of money.

此藏品为本次2019新加坡拍卖重磅推荐藏品,欢迎各位莅临本公司赏析及协商,广大收藏家可以通过各大媒体以及欢迎到公司了解详情,如需意向购买,提前办理好相关手续过来公司协商。一件藏品的成交离不开广告宣传!本公司以自成立以来,始终秉承“公开,公平,公正,诚实,守信”的服务原则,相关资质齐全,做最实在的宣传,上最高端的平台,享受最好的服务。特别提示:(以上藏品持宝人托我司诚意出售、欢迎各界收藏家咨询或出价,图片均为实物拍摄,若有疑问可预约我司观看实物)。This collection is recommended for the 2019 Singapore auction. Welcome to visit our company for appreciation and negotiation. The majority of collectors can learn details from the major media and welcome to our company. The clinch a deal of a collection cannot leave advertisement propaganda! Since its establishment, the company has always been adhering to the "open, fair, just, honest, trustworthy" principle of service, the relevant qualifications are complete, do the most real publicity, the top platform, enjoy the best service. Special tips :(the above treasure holders entrust our company to sell in good faith, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, the pictures are taken in kind, if there is any doubt can make an appointment to see the kind).




















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