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发布时间:2019-11-08 12:12来源:
圣翰德咸丰通宝精品推荐 藏品名称:咸丰通宝 藏品规格:重: 4.68g ;直径: 26.56mm 此枚钱币正面楷书咸丰通宝字样,背面维文阿克苏。包浆自然老道,品铸造风格独特,纹饰刻制工细





藏品规格:重:4.68g ;直径:26.56mm




The obverse of this coin is in regular script Xianfeng Tongbao, and the reverse is in Uygur Aksu. It is a natural and old-fashioned product with unique casting style, fine grain carving, moderate depth, fluent writing style, flat and bright base plate, extremely harmonious picture modeling and artistic attainments.

At that time, there were more than 20 bureaus casting Xianfeng Tongbao Dangshi. Although there were a large number of them, due to the complex historical background of casting and a period of time when China did not have the concept of collecting ancient coins, the price of modern Xianfeng Tongbao Dangshi was out of the same kind of coins, showing the charm and amazing collection value of the fascination of collectors. The style of this kind of coins is quite special. Manchu characters are used to mark the back of the coins in different areas. The most special one is the Chinese characters marked "Dangshi" on the coins, which are treasured by collectors. Xianfeng Tongbao's handwriting is clear and deep, copper is fine, and money is exquisite. It's a little bigger and heavier than the money circulating in the same edition.. Due to the early casting time and wide circulation area, it is also the valuable coins that ancient spring lovers are most concerned about and devoted to collecting and appreciating since ancient times.








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