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千古商城 中华民国三年壹元袁大头

发布时间:2019-11-21 18:51来源:

袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,"袁大头"是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫"袁世凯像背嘉禾银币"。辛亥革命以后,袁世凯就任"临时大总统"之职,后又成为正式大总统。当时,为了巩固国内政局稳定,发展民族经济,也为"制宪"和"称帝"作准备,于是发布《国币条例》,毅然决定在全国"统一币制"。铸造跨度从1914年至1951年,总发行量超过 7.5 亿枚。

Yuan Datou was one of the main circulating currencies in the Republic of China. Yuan Datou is a colloquial term for Yuan Shikai's series of coins, which is strictly called "Yuan Shikai carries Jiahe silver coins on his back". After the 1911 Revolution, Yuan Shikai took the post of "temporary president" and then became a formal president. At that time, in order to consolidate domestic political stability, develop national economy, and prepare for "constitution making" and "becoming emperor", the state currency regulations were issued and resolutely decided to "unify the currency system" in the whole country. The casting span was from 1914 to 1951, with a total circulation of over 750 million pieces.



[collection name]: yuan Datou in the third year of the Republic of China


Class: Coins

说明: d5ee8fafee4f18356ba0b75b58aae88


Yuan Datou is known as the treasure of silver coins in the field of currency collection. Because of its weight, quality and stable silver content, yuan Datou is the most popular and influential silver coin among nearly 1000 kinds of modern silver coins in China, and also an important role in the currency system reform in modern China. Therefore, the price of yuan Datou has been rising steadily, from a few hundred thousand to a few million. The main factors determining the price are the year, edition and product equality.

说明: e3c3b130972ef995488d303bb9e9e9b



After the establishment of the Republic of China, the central government's finance was almost out of the country, and the financial crisis was very serious. In the short run, the issue of paper money is also a good way to make money. But paper money is the representative of silver dollar and the exchange voucher. Without the full preparation and wide circulation of silver dollar, it is difficult to establish the credit of paper money. At this moment, the reform of currency system is urgent -- "yuan Datou" silver dollar is born on this basis, and it is also the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar. After years of casting and high reputation, the number of yuan Dadou increased and its circulation became wider. Although it was in a secluded area, it also had its trace. The passage of "yuan Datou" silver dollar promoted the unification of silver dollar, and also prepared the conditions for "Abolishing two yuan to change".



This coin has been handed down for a long time, but its appearance is still very exquisite. Its shape is regular, its pattern is clear, its texture is fine, its face is beautiful and handsome, and its inscription is deep and precipitous. It is a rare fine coin.



"Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver dollar in the field of currency collection. It is the most popular and influential silver dollar variety among nearly one thousand modern silver coins in China, and it is also an important role in the currency system reform of modern China.


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