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发布时间:2019-11-22 19:50来源:
火星陨石 此件藏品为火星陨石,重量为5.85KG,通体成不规矩形状,外表裹着一层氧化层,叫熔壳,有形状各异的沟槽,叫做熔沟。局部镶嵌在熔壳上的好似一块块黄金,质感极佳。但其



This collection is a Martian meteorite with a weight of 5.85KG. The whole body has an irregular shape. The outer surface is covered with an oxide layer called molten shell. There are grooves with different shapes called molten grooves. Locally embedded on the melting shell are pieces of gold with excellent texture. However, these "gold" are made up of a variety of extremely rare precious metals, giving people a noble and atmospheric visual aesthetic feeling, and their appearance is very exquisite. It contains a large number of rare minerals, and the whole body shines with dazzling golden light in the sun. This Martian meteorite belongs to a rare category both from the perspective of scientific research and the value of collection investment. In addition, the integrity of the entire meteorite melt shell is even more rare. And the meteorite is mainly composed of olivine, with a small amount of pyroxene, feldspar and oxide. Therefore, the meteorite with this characteristic is named Chassignite (a dunite chondrite-free meteorite).


At present, all kinds of meteorites in China are well preserved, their melting shells are relatively complete, their surface is bright, and their whole body is black and green because they crashed into the earth's desert after passing through the atmosphere at high speed. Therefore, they have high collection and research value.Its appreciation potential is unlimited and it is very suitable for collection.


Meteorites are called "rocks from stars" and are stony, iron or a mixture of stony and iron that have not burnt out from the original orbit of cosmic meteors outside the earth and become fragments scattered on the surface of the earth or other planets. After falling to the earth, some fell into the sea, barren hills, Gobi and other inaccessible places, even if found, unfamiliar people will think of it as ordinary stones, and few meteorites have been found.


Meteorites, besides being collected and played with, have many practical values, such as their health preserving and health care functions. Meteorites are by no means as simple as a sample of the outer stars studied by the scientific community. There are too many mysterious energies and mysteries contained in meteorites, which also make the health care community sit up and take notice of them. The delicacy of this Martian meteorite can be called a miracle of the world, comparable to the value of "diamond", which is really rare.


In recent years, people have found that it is the best way to carve meteorites into works of art and enter thousands of households so as to realize the role of meteorite energy in health preservation and health care. From another aspect, this also understood the wisdom of ancient people in placing meteorites in their homes or religious places, thus showing that ancient people had extraordinary wisdom in using meteorite energy. Throughout the history of human civilization, there are very few records of using meteorite energy to preserve health and protect health, and even the contemporary data of understanding and using meteorite to preserve health and protect health are rare. In contrast, Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty wrote in his book Compendium of Materia Medica: "The doctor was frightened and lost his mind. He was absent-minded and did not recognize people …" These records are invaluable. Shanghai, Shanxi and other star friends have done a lot of experiments for meteorite health care, from drinking meteorite aquatic hair to playing with meteorites to curing heart diseases. A star friend in Xinjiang used meteorites to treat his diabetes and heart disease. A star friend in Lanzhou massaged his waist with meteorites, which solved many years of lumbago. At the same time, meteorites were used to improve sleep quality and thoroughly solve the problem of insomnia. There were also meteorite collectors who accidentally discovered that coronary heart disease had disappeared for many years and had lost heart-saving pills and so on. Liaoning, a senior consultant of the Chinese Meteorite Collectors Association, discovered after playing with meteorites that his blurred vision had improved, rheumatism, stomachache, hypertension and tracheitis, which had afflicted him for many years, were cured. Wu Xiqiu, a famous meteorite collector in Qingyuan, Zhejiang, used the collected meteorite boiled water to treat colds and various chronic diseases, etc. These are all very real cases that can adjust the magnetic field feng shui, curb evil spirits, protect peace, and far increase investment and income.


Meteorites are very rare resources in outer space. Most of them come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, while a small part come from the moon and Mars. Each meteorite carries a large amount of cosmic information, which is a valuable material for human beings to study the formation and evolution of the universe, solar system and earth's life, as well as cosmic disasters and special mines. It is a cultural relic specimen with important scientific and cultural value.


The collection, entitled "Mars meteorites", will appear at the home auction of the Palace Museum in Taipei, China, in January 2020. Interested parties can consult the Guangzhou Guotong Museum.



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