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发布时间:2019-11-27 19:02来源:

任星航,中国工艺美术大师、国家级非物质文化遗产钧瓷烧制技艺代表性传承人、中国钧瓷非遗传习馆馆长,享受国务院特殊律贴,其作品人藏人民大会堂、故宫博物院、国家文物局等国家机构,并多次受到党和国家领导人接见,任氏钧瓷三百年传承,任星航大师是第九代传人,大师通过数十年的沉淀,掌握均瓷全部技艺,复原了唐、宋、元、明、清等历代官窑窑炉,复活了宋代钧瓷柴烧技艺,震惊华夏。2019年8月任星航大师因突出的艺术成就,荣获第五属全球华人影响力盛典 “建国70年70入非遗传承保护杰出成就奖”。

Ren Xinghang, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, a representative inheritor of Jun porcelain firing technology, a national intangible cultural heritage, and a curator of China Jun porcelain non heredity study hall, enjoys the special legal stickers of the State Council. His works are collected in the Great Hall of the people, the Palace Museum, the State Administration of cultural relics and other national institutions, and have been received by the party and state leaders for many times. Ren has been inheriting Jun porcelain for three hundred years, and is a master of Xing Hang It is the ninth generation of descendants. Through decades of precipitation, the master mastered all the skills of Jun porcelain, restored the official kilns of Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, revived the wood burning skills of Jun porcelain in Song Dynasty, and shocked China. In August 2019, Ren Xinghang won the fifth global Chinese influence grand ceremony "outstanding achievement award for inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage in 70 years after the founding of the people's Republic of China" due to his outstanding artistic achievements.



[collection name]: Guanyin bottle of Jun porcelain

【规格】:口径约17.5cm 底径约15.5cm 高约52cm

[Specification]: caliber about 17.5cm, bottom diameter about 15.5cm, height about 52cm


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Guanyin bottle, the classic work of master Ren Xinghang, has been permanently collected by the three national halls of the Great Hall of the people, the Palace Museum and Bayi building, becoming a national treasure of the present age and a sensation in the world. In 2019, at the time of the opening of the non hereditary study hall of China Jun porcelain, a special national project, master Ren Xinghang once again made Guanyin bottle, which was made in the song kiln today, and reappeared the verve of the official kiln in the Northern Song Dynasty for thousands of years.

《观音瓶》是钧瓷中的经典器型,造型为侈口,颈部较短,丰肩,肩下弧线内收,至胫部以下外撇,浅圈足,瓶体修长,线条流畅如流水瀑布顺山势而下,比例和谐如观音玉立。作品釉色窑变自然天成,精妙绝伦,或如春山耸秀,或如溪水潺潺,充满仁者乐山, 智者乐水的人文情怀。《观音瓶》因与观音所持观音净瓶相同,有风调雨顺,五谷丰登之意,象征福佑、吉祥,寓意家庭福缘不断,也象征新中国成立70周年,国泰民安,国运昌隆。

Guanyin bottle is a classic type of Jun porcelain. It is characterized by luxurious mouth, short neck, abundant shoulders, inward arc under the shoulder, outward turning below the shin, shallow ring foot, slender bottle body, smooth lines like water and waterfall, harmonious proportion like Guanyin jade stand. The glaze kiln becomes a natural and exquisite work, which is like a towering mountain in spring, or like a murmuring stream, full of humanistic feelings of benevolent people and wise people. Guanyin bottle is the same as the Guanyin pure bottle held by Guanyin. It has the meaning of good weather and good harvest. It symbolizes blessings and auspiciousness. It also symbolizes the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, peace and prosperity of the country.



This time, master Ren Xinghang created Guanyin bottle again, eulogizing the prosperous age of China with the people's yearning for a better life and witnessing the prosperous age of 70 years since the founding of new China, when people live and work in peace and contentment. Guanyin bottle, as a national treasure in the permanent collection of the three national halls, is the pinnacle of Jun porcelain's non hereditary learning hall. It has witnessed the changes of the times and history, displayed art and feelings, and has important artistic and cultural values. It is worth collecting.









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