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发布时间:2019-11-30 20:07来源:
1937年版坐洋币,钱币正面的主图为手执束棒的自由女神坐像,坐像的两侧所铸法文文字是:REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法兰西共和国)。女神座下方有小字法文BARRE和该币发行的年份1937。钱币背

1937年版坐洋币,钱币正面的主图为手执束棒的自由女神坐像,坐像的两侧所铸法文文字是:REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法兰西共和国)。女神座下方有小字法文BARRE和该币发行的年份1937。钱币背面的主图案为一花环,周圈为说明文字,花环上方铸法文为:FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(法兰西印度支那),银币花环中间的文字为银币的面额:20 CENT(20分)。银币花环下方文字为:TITRE 0.680. POIDS 5 GR 4。整块银币背面文字的中文意译为:法兰西(所属的)印度支那(银币)。

On the front of the coin, the main picture shows the statue of the statue of liberty holding a stick. On the two sides of the statue are the words in French: REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Below the goddess seat are the small letters in French BARRE and the year in which the coin was issued, 1937. On the reverse side of the coin, the main design is a wreath, with the circle as the caption. On the top of the wreath, the French name is FRANCAISE indo-chine. Below the coin wreath is the inscription: TITRE 0.680. POIDS 5 GR 4. The reverse side of the coin translates in Chinese as: French Indochina.




法属印度支那位于东南亚印度支那半岛东部,包括法属东京、安南、交趾支那、老挝和柬埔寨等地(相当于现今的越南、老挝和柬埔寨)。总面积741,242平方公里。 印度支那居民的祖先,是公元二世纪由中国黄河流域南迁者,1858年,法兰西第二帝国入侵安南(今越南),1884年,强迫安南签订第二次《顺化条约》,安南沦为法国殖民地。

French Indochina is located in the east of the Indochina peninsula in southeast Asia, including French Tokyo, annan, cochin islands, Laos and Cambodia (equivalent to what is now Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia). The total area is 741,242 square kilometers. The ancestors of Indochina's inhabitants were people who moved south from the Yellow River valley of China in the second century AD. In 1858, the second French empire invaded annan (present-day Vietnam). In 1884, annan was forced to sign the second treaty of hue, and annan became a French colony.





It is said that rare is precious in the collection market. Due to the long history of foreign early commercial silver COINS and the market consumption of nearly 100 years, the actual surviving amount of them has been far lower than some "popular varieties" in all kinds of modern COINS. Therefore, they have a high value of investment and collection. And "sit ocean" silver coin is minted by the Paris mint of French money bureau, because work fine, become color sufficient, got the favour of Asian each country people.


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