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发布时间:2019-12-02 13:15来源:


Dr. Sun yat-sen like the republic of China 25 years of commemorative coin one yuan, yuan, 20 cents, one group. The collection is complete with natural paste, clear font and edge teeth, with less wear. The coin is made of nickel. Nickel is the product of the currency system reform, replacing the precious metal silver with nickel, which played an important role in preventing western powers from plundering Chinese silver. These four COINS collected the political, economic, external and other social conditions at that time, can truly reflect the historical situation at that time, it can be said that the historical significance is very deep. It has been proved from the actual collection that, in the circulation of the grandson like nickel, because the existence of the rare, so the value is very high.




据美国钱币专家史博禄的研究,这种带有凹槽边的民国二十五年船洋,是上海造币厂用英国提供的坯饼制作的。英国政府早在白银危机后的1935年9月即派遣首席经济顾问李滋罗斯(Frederick Leith-Ross)赴华协助币制改革事宜,提出建议之一就是仿效英镑在1920年将银币成色由92.5%减至50%时所用的办法,新发行的低色银币采用不同的边道以资区别。同时还送交坯饼供国内试制,此即这种有凹槽边银圆的由来。由于当时美英在争夺国际金融的主导地位,都希望其本国货币成为中国外汇储备的结算货币,因此,当美方知道后即极力反对,故使得这一计划没有继续进行,仅制作了极少量的样币。

According to a study by the American numismologist Paul spafford, the vessel, with a grooved edge, was made by the Shanghai mint from a loaf of bread supplied by England. As early as September 1935, after the silver crisis, the British government sent its chief economic adviser, Frederick leith-ross, to China to assist in currency reform. One of its proposals was to use different sides to distinguish the newly issued low-colored silver COINS, as had been done by the British pound in 1920, when it reduced the percentage of silver COINS from 92.5% to 50%. At the same time also sent to the billet for domestic trial production, which is the origin of the silver circle with grooves. Since the us and the UK were competing for the dominant position in international finance at that time, both wanted their own currencies to become the settlement currency of China's foreign exchange reserves. Therefore, when the us knew about it, it strongly opposed it, so the plan was not continued and only a small number of sample COINS were produced.





In the 25th year of the republic of China, sun yat-sen collected the political, economic, foreign and other social conditions like COINS, which can truly reflect the historical situation at that time, which is of great historical significance. With the passing of time, time precipitation. When more and more people become interested in ancient COINS, at this time, the value of COINS collection and market value is highlighted. Collect on the market, especially the late qing dynasty in the republic of China period of the most popular COINS, it can be said is a thriving.


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