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精品推荐 肉奇石

发布时间:2019-12-10 18:32来源:
精品推荐 【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。 [Ti




[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.


【藏 品 名 称】肉奇石

【藏 品 类 型】杂项

【 藏 品 规 格】重366.5克

[collection name] Meat stone

[collection type] miscellaneous

[collection Specification] Weighs 366.5g


Flesh strange stone, is a natural stone species, most belong to sedimentary rock, siliceous rock or metamorphic rock, is geological movement in the process of sedimentary rock or metamorphic rock and other minerals contact color. Under the long-term effect of tectonic friction and heat and underground water, the carnelian stones have formed red, orange, purple and white calcite ring deposits of different depths, which are surrounded by or filled with calcite of various colors in the huge limestone structural brecciels, and cemented into one, forming the magic meat of today.


Meat stone has been regarded as a symbol of good fortune and happiness, meaning that there are meat every year, year after year there are surplus grain, by the collection of people like. Now, there is skin resource in flesh strange stone basic exhaustion, add its cannot the characteristic of regeneration, become a rising star on strange stone market, have very high appreciation space, it is the best choice that treasures maintains value.


As the saying goes: millennium bacon wannian incense, after years of baptism, layer upon layer of clustering, layer upon layer of filtration, layer upon layer of precipitation, like the color of rosy clouds, magnificent is. Proof of its shape, a little carved, must be gifts and decoration, collection of good goods, and pork stone has been regarded as auspicious, festive symbol, meaning for every year meat, year after year there are surplus grain, by the collection of people like. Now, in the flesh stone has the skin resource basic exhaustion, plus its not to be able to regenerate the characteristic, becomes the strange stone market a rising star, has the very high appreciation space, is the collection and preservation of the best choice.


Now, the odd stone overexploitation all over the country is more serious, the odd stone resources are also less and less, "things to rare for expensive, less resources, rare stone is rare, the price will naturally be high, and the hand holding the rare stone players generally do not hand, experts on the rare stone valuation is also higher and higher.


The strange stone has the modelling of 1000 appearance 100 states, change infinite pattern, the character that goes through tempering, let a person feel unique art edify, produce a kind of decorous spirit to enjoy and pursue. The combination of stone collection and cultural perception, so, the value of the stone, the price is inseparable from its cultural content and people from the enjoyment of the degree of pleasure.


Chinese stone national soul, thousands of years of inheritance and education of the Chinese. Times collect numerous culture, gem crystal puts bright." Life can collect, appreciate the precious gem that everybody doted on is a lucky thing, strange stone investment also can obtain gratifying benefit certainly.


This collection is the key recommended collection for the Singapore auction in 2019. You are welcome to consult and bid on site.  


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