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发布时间:2019-12-12 19:00来源:


Meteorites are meteors because asteroids move in their own orbits and collide constantly. Sometimes they will be knocked out of their orbits and run to the earth. When they enter the atmosphere, they will generate light and heat by friction. When a meteor enters the atmosphere, the high temperature, high pressure and internal imbalance will explode and form a meteorite shower. The unburned ones fall on the earth and become meteorites.


Most meteorites come from asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, and a few from the moon (40 pieces) and Mars (40 pieces). According to the composition characteristics of silicate minerals, there are four types of iron meteorites: ① olivine meteorite (type symbol P), which is mainly composed of olivine and iron nickel metal which forms the matrix; ② iron meteorite (m), which is mainly composed of plagioclase, pyroxene and iron nickel; ③ ancient copper - tridymite iron meteorite (s), which is mainly composed of iron nickel, ancient copper pyroxene and tridymite; ④ olivine - ancient copper iron meteorite (LO), which is mainly composed of iron nickel, olivine It is composed of olivine and pyroxene. There are more olivine meteorites and iron meteorites, and the other two types are less. The Ni content of iron and nickel metal in oliveometeorite is about 8-15%, and its composition is similar to that of octahedral iron meteorite. The composition of olivine is fa12-22 (the percentage of forsterite molecules in olivine). The cooling rate of oliveometeorite iron is lower than that of octahedral iron meteorite. It is thought that it may come from the mother of meteorite or deeper inside of asteroid. The content of Ni in Fe Ni is less than 8.9%. With the current hot market, the price is about 10000 yuan per gram.

陨石收藏作为新兴的收藏门类,其价格问题一直倍受陨石爱好者和新闻媒体的关注。陨石的种类决定其市场价格。 按照"物以稀为贵"的自然法则,陨石的价格主要由科研价值和数量决定,大多数陨石来自小行星带,小部分来自月球和火星。它们含有地球上不常见的矿物组合,或者地球上没有的球粒结构,也是人类直接认识太阳系各星体的实物标本,极具收藏价值。陨石先不说是不可再生的资源,数量又稀少,抛开巨大的科研价值不谈,仅收藏的稀有性就决定了陨石具有巨大的升值潜力。

As a new collection category, the price of meteorite collection has always attracted the attention of meteorite lovers and news media. The type of meteorite determines its market price. According to the natural law of "rare things are precious", the price of meteorites is mainly determined by the value and quantity of scientific research. Most meteorites come from the asteroid belt, and a small part from the moon and Mars. They contain unusual mineral assemblages on the earth, or spherical structures that are not found on the earth. They are also physical specimens of direct human knowledge of the stars in the solar system, which are of great collection value. Meteorites are not only non renewable resources, but also rare in quantity. Apart from the huge scientific research value, the rarity of collection determines that meteorites have great potential for appreciation.


With the gradual opening of the auction in recent years, the hot events in the auction market have become the hot news of the media and the public. Many people collect stamps, jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, coins, but in recent years, another collection boom has arisen, that is, meteorite collection. In the 1990s, there were only about 200 people involved in the meteorite trade in the world, and now the number of people involved has increased to more than 10000. The global price of meteorites has risen from a few dollars per pound to a huge number comparable to diamonds. Meteorite collection has gradually turned into a "game for the rich".


As early as 1993, Sotheby's auction house sold a 0.33g lunar meteorite for 4425000 US dollars, which is much more valuable than diamonds. In 2013, Urumqi had a "big fist" meteorite with a price of 80 million yuan. Its unbelievable price indicates the great impact of meteorites in the field of collection, which marks that meteorites have officially become a kind of art with the function of investment and collection. Researchers can learn more about the early universe by studying these meteorites, which is of high scientific research value. Some developed countries must contend for it to form the current situation of glass meteorites skyrocketing, a real stone of gold.





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