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中华即拍 《本草纲目》

发布时间:2019-12-17 20:33来源:


When "Compendium of Materia Medica" was finalized, Li Shizhen was over 60 years old and had been the fruit of decades of hard work. His greatest wish was to print and publish it as soon as possible so as to play a social role. However, this 1.9 million-word masterpiece of great scientific value has not yet been known by people. It is difficult to find a bookseller to print it. Without the approval of famous artists and the support of the government, it is risky to print the book privately. He has been to Qizhou, Huangzhou and Wuchang without success. He devoted all his life to writing this book, but no one knew the "monarch" and kept a long backlog of books. This is a great sadness to Li Shizhen.


Seeing that his works could not be printed in his hometown in Hubei, Li Shizhen went to Nanjing in 1579 to seek publication. Nanjing was the center of engraving books in the country at that time, and cultural undertakings were quite prosperous. He was hopeful, but things didn't go smoothly. He looked for several scribes to discuss and didn't get a satisfactory answer. In September of the following year, Li Shizhen went to Taicang to visit Wang Shizhen, the then literary leader and famous scholar, and asked him to write a preface to Compendium of Materia Medica, "I would like to beg for a word to uphold immortality". Wang Shizhen once made a provincial judge in Huguang. Although he did not know Li Shizhen, he heard of it from time to time, so he readily agreed.


Although the visit to Nanjing did not result in any contact and inscription, the harvest was not small. First, please go to Wang Shizhen to make a preface. In the preface, he praised "Compendium of Materia Medica" as "the essence of real nature, the general canon of materials, the secret of emperors, and the treasure of subjects", which should be a good introduction to the publication of the book. Secondly, he visited the Yaowangmiao in Nanjing, where medicines from all over the country were collected. It was a rare opportunity. He made records one by one, which was useful for correcting his manuscripts.



Li Shizhen returned to his hometown in Hubei from Nanjing for another 10 years. During this period, the political situation was turbulent, with Zhang Juzheng's reforms under pressure before and peasant uprisings in his hometown after. Under such circumstances, it is even more difficult to print Compendium of Materia Medica. In the meantime, he went to Nanjing to contact the engraving of Compendium of Materia Medica.



In 1590, the 12-year-old Compendium of Materia Medica finally won the favor of Nanjing bibliophile and publisher Hu Chenglong, who felt that the book was valuable and was willing to pay for the inscription. After 30 years of hard work, I finally met a bosom friend, which is a great comfort to Li Shizhen in seventy years of age. It's a pity that this joy came too late. Soon Li Shizhen fell ill and died in less than three years. Before his death, he could not see with his own eyes the works he had written. In 1596, Li Shizhen's long-cherished wish came true and Compendium of Materia Medica was successfully printed.



Compendium of Materia Medica has made great achievements not only in pharmacology, but also in chemistry, geology and astronomy. In the history of chemistry, it recorded a series of chemical reactions of pure metals, metals, metal chlorides, sulfides, etc. earlier. At the same time, some operating methods applied in modern chemistry such as distillation, crystallization, sublimation, precipitation and drying are also recorded.



As a non-renewable scarce resource, rare editions of ancient books will only become less and less, and the value of the documents and cultural relics contained in them is incalculable, and their prices will naturally rise steadily. And the ranks of its collectors are getting larger and larger. Large buyers of rare ancient books are usually collectors with certain financial resources, mainly aiming at fine works. Once they buy them, it is difficult to sell them again in a short period of time, thus making the fine works in the market relatively slowly decrease over a period of time. It can be said that after more than 10 years of auction, many real good books have changed hands after a round of changes, and it has become increasingly difficult to see in the market. Thinning is the most expensive thing. The decrease in supply and the increase in demand naturally contribute to a steady rise in prices, with great room for appreciation.





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