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精品推荐 乾隆嘉庆通宝一组

发布时间:2019-12-17 23:30来源:
精品推荐 【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。 [Ti




[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.


【藏 品 名 称】乾隆嘉庆通宝一组

【藏 品 类 型】钱币

【 展示价 】1200000.00CNY

[collection name] Qianlong jiaqing tongbao group

[collection type] coin

[ display price ] 1200000.00CNY

纵观近年来的中国钱币拍卖市场,清代和民国高品质珍稀古钱币如异军突起般迅速占领钱币收藏界,因为所属历史时间特殊且版式精美、存世量较为稀少而备受藏家追捧。Throughout the Chinese coin auction market in recent years, qing dynasty and the republic of China high quality rare ancient COINS such as the sudden emergence of the rapid occupation of coin collection, because of the special history of the time and the layout of the exquisite, relatively rare and collectors sought after.

此组清代方孔钱币,品相包浆 自然醇厚,字迹清晰,锈迹年代感十足。钱币正面直读嘉庆/乾隆通宝,背面均为满文。此枚嘉庆通宝重:3.5g。此枚乾隆通宝重:3g。虽然经历岁月的无情洗礼,但仍然保存完好,钱文、轮廓的清晰程度还算不错,具有历史价值、艺术价值和收藏价值。This group of qing dynasty square hole COINS, product phase packaging pulp natural mellow, clear writing, rust age sense is full. On the front of the coin read jiaqing/qianlong tong bao, on the back are manchu. This jiaqing tongbao weighs 3.5g. This piece of qianlong tongbao weight: 3g. Although the experience of the relentless baptism of time, but still well preserved, the clear degree of money, outline is good, with historical value, artistic value and collection value.

自秦始皇统一币制,中国钱币就形成了“外圆内方”“天人合一”的定制,取其象天法地。这其中蕴含着中国古代天圆地方的宇宙观和哲学思想,是古代阴阳八卦学说的具体体现。因此,古钱本身的铸造就包涵了天、地、神合一,也成就了古钱风水的功能。Since the first emperor of qin unified the currency system, Chinese COINS have formed the custom of "outer circle and inner square" and "integration of heaven and man", taking it as heaven, law and earth. This contains the cosmology and philosophy of the round heaven and the round earth in ancient China, which is the embodiment of the ancient yin-yang and eight-trigram theory. Therefore, the casting of ancient money itself contains the unity of heaven, earth and god, and also achieves the functions of ancient money and geomancy.

乾隆通宝,铸于清高宗乾隆年间,背面的满文比较复杂,字从上而下而右而左直读,乾隆皇帝在位施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币。Qianlong TongBao, cast in the emperor qianlong in qing dynasty, the manchu script on the back is more complex, a word from the top down and right and left, direct reading of the reign of the qianlong emperor exert its "tai temple" governing strategy, create the brilliant outstanding achievement in the feudal society in the last millennium, after folk rumours that wear "qianlong TongBao" copper can drive to ward off bad luck, and because of the word "qianlong homophonic" Qian Long "and the later collectors favorite COINS.

嘉庆通宝是铸于清仁宗嘉庆年间(1796-1820年)的钱币。但由于嘉庆帝嗣位的特殊性,所以嘉庆初年户、工等局没有全额铸行嘉庆通宝钱,这也算是一大特色。太上皇乾隆在世时期,京局铸乾隆通宝二成,嘉庆通宝八成,阿克苏局则全铸乾隆通宝。乾隆帝死后不久,铸造政策变化,仅阿克苏局铸二成乾隆通宝,京局就全额铸行嘉庆通宝了。Jiaqing tongbao was a coin made during the jiaqing reign of emperor renzong of qing dynasty (1796-1820). However, due to the particularity of emperor jia qing's position, the bureau of household and industry in the early years of jiaqing did not have the full amount of money for the casting of jiaqing tongbao, which is also a major feature. During the reign of emperor qianlong, the imperial bureau cast qianlong tongbao 20%, jiaqing tongbao 80%, and aksu bureau cast qianlong tongbao 100%. Shortly after the death of emperor qianlong, the casting policy changed. Only the aksu bureau cast two qianlong tongbao, the Beijing bureau cast all jiaqing tongbao.

近年来,随着收藏投资热的不断升温,清铜币也日渐走俏,且价格一路上扬。在藏品交易市场上表现异常活跃。历来都受到很多藏家的关注,不同版别的钱币都有独特的韵味,值得藏家深品。纵观近几年的藏品市场,各类珍奇异石不乏可陈,然而,对于那些本身就现存量极少,在市场上异军突起的明清钱币,则更容易受到藏品大咖们的注意和亲睐。同时,随着各地拍场古钱币交易的次数愈加频繁,且因它为大众藏友们带来的价值不菲,使得钱币在各地拍场中所占据的地位越来越高。In the past years, as the heat of collection and investment continues to heat up, the copper COINS are also increasingly popular, and the price all the way up. In the collection trading market is very active. Has been the concern of a lot of collectors, different edition of the COINS have a unique lasting appeal, is worth collectors deep product. Throughout the collection market in recent years, there is no lack of all kinds of exotic stones, however, for those themselves are very small stock, the Ming and qing COINS in the market, it is more likely to be the attention of collectors and pro. At the same time, as the number of ancient COINS sold in various places becomes more frequent, and because of the high value it brings to the public collectors, COINS occupy a higher and higher position in various places.


  This collection for this new key recommended collection, welcome to the site of Tibetan friends to consult bidding, rare opportunity!


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