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智和文化——中华民国双旗币 精品推荐

发布时间:2019-12-26 19:19来源:
智和文化中华民国双旗币 精品推荐 藏品名称:中华民国双旗币(贰百文) 藏品规格:重量:22.5g ; 直径:43.43mm 厚:1.94mm 藏品简介: 此藏品为中华民国双旗币贰佰文,钱币正面珠圈内花

智和文化——中华民国双旗币 精品推荐


藏品规格:重量:22.5g  ; 直径:43.43mm 厚:1.94mm


此藏品为中华民国双旗币贰佰文,钱币正面珠圈内花卉、嘉禾纹摇曳绽放,尤显生机,春意盎然,独特的纹饰承载着人们美好的愿景与浓厚的文化气息,币面中心直书“贰百文”面值.两旁分列嘉穗图案,上沿年号“中华民国二年”,下沿锈厂名“四川造币厂造”,左右分列十字花星。其红铜材质,铸工精美,文字规范,英文书写正确,纹饰清晰,当为民国2年(1913年)四川建币厂早期铸造品。背中央为交叉双旗图,外环殊圈,上沿锈英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国),下沿锈英文“200 CASH(200仙)。这是民国时期四川铜元中唯一使用英文的一种。民国成立时,由于币制尚未建立,主要的造币厂,大都仍沿用前清钢模铸造钱币,以供流通需要。而四川改铸四川铜圆,仅二百文、五百文一等币值。后国民政府发行统一币模,各地方钱币即停止铸造发行,因而铸造量少,流通时间短,极其珍贵。 



This collection is made up of two hundred Chinese double flags, weighing 22.5g; The flowers and Jiahe lines in the bead circle on the front of the 43.43mm hou 1.94 diameter coin are swaying and blooming, especially showing vitality. The spring is full of vitality. The unique patterns carry people's beautiful vision and strong cultural atmosphere. The face value of the direct book "200 Chinese characters" in the coin center is divided into Jiasui patterns on both sides. The upper edge is the year number "Republic of China Year 2", the lower edge is the rust factory name "Made in Sichuan Mint", and the left and right edges are the cross flower stars. It is made of red copper with exquisite casting, standard writing, correct English writing and clear decoration. It was made in the early period of Sichuan coin factory in 1913. The center of the back is a cross double flag diagram, the outer ring is a special circle, the upper edge is rust English "THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA" and the lower edge is rust English "200 cash" (200 cents). This is the only type of copper coin in Sichuan that used English during the Republic of China. When the Republic of China was founded, because the currency system had not yet been established, most of the major coin factories still used the former Qing steel molds to cast coins for circulation. However, Sichuan has changed to a Sichuan copper round, which is worth only 200 yuan and 500 yuan. After the national government issued a unified coin model, coins in various places ceased to be minted and issued, thus the amount of minted coins was small, the circulation time was short, and they were extremely precious。The double flag with two hundred characters and a tassel version has two kinds: dividends and yellow copper. The red copper castings are of exquisite workmanship, standard writing, correct English writing and clear decoration. They were made in the early days of the Sichuan Coin Factory in 1913. Among the existing 200 bronze coins in Shuangqi, the number of straight tassels is relatively small, accounting for only 12%. Some people once thought that the 200-character double flag was a replica of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet base area, and its purpose was to go to the white area to buy supplies. According to the materials known now, the official casting of copper currency in Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet base was in 1933 (22 years of the Republic of China), and its early production technology was hand-made. Very rare. Bronze coins of the Republic of China period are the finest coins in modern China. They are historical edification and revolutionary relics of high value. They have far-reaching historical commemorative significance. Because the vicissitudes of politics and finance in modern China are reflected in a small coin, they are rare objects for archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture, and they are also high-grade collectibles with both collection appreciation value and use value. As they exit the circulation market, their value will become higher and higher in the collection circle.



Name of collection:Republic of China Double Flag Currency





This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!


Sichuan Zhihe Culture is a comprehensive operation company that integrates online and offline art exhibition, auction, cultural exchange and art appreciation; with the business purpose of "drawing on Chinese wisdom, promoting Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value", it has a long-term vision, active planning and operation ability, and extremely pioneering spirit. God's team leads Chinese culture to the world.



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