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发布时间:2020-01-03 22:13来源:


Teng Daimeng painted panda with charming ink and spirit. He combined Meticulous Brushwork with freehand brushwork and had a high artistic attainments. Panda stands for Jixiang, bamboo stands for Jiegao. Panda symbolizes China. It is the national treasure of our country and represents the friendly relations between countries. Panda itself is a very gentle animal, with the meaning of peace and unity.



[collection name]: National Treasure Panda by Teng Daimeng


[category]: calligraphy and painting

【规格 】:长 194cm 宽 76.4cm

[Specification]: length 194cm, width 76.4cm




Panda, as China's national treasure, plays the role of peace messenger in China's international political relations. And the Chinese also love pandas, not only because of the status of panda rare species, charmingly naive appearance and gentle character, but also because of their black and white fur, which is very similar to the Taiji diagram in Chinese culture. Chinese ink painting only uses water and ink to express the beauty, which makes the panda's simple two colors seem to have the charm of ink. As one of the four gentlemen in the classical culture, bamboo is also favored by pandas, and is held in their arms.




The giant panda is known as "living fossil" and "national treasure of China". Teng Daimeng's traditional Chinese painting Panda "is naive, does not try to be domineering, inherits culture, is peaceful and farsighted, acts as the messenger of peace, panda represents auspicious and detailed, bamboo represents thrifty and high, concrete and has a dwelling place. This painting is worth collecting!


Teng Daimeng, born in 1936 in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, is a famous female Xia master in the world of painting, the world's female painting king. Mr. Teng is now 80 years old. 80 years old is a peak of life, which is the peak of 80 years old teacher's life. Now who can draw with a pen? There are still a few people who are active in calligraphy. Now the teacher is 80 years old and there are fewer and fewer paintings. There are fewer and fewer opportunities for you to get her paintings.



She has successively won the first prize of "International Friendship Exhibition of painting and calligraphy masters", "the gold medal of the highest honor of the International Zodiac Exhibition", "the first prize of Chinese painting in the international exhibition of friendship painting and calligraphy between Chinese people and other countries", as well as the "world-class certificate of award" and "king of painting" awards. He was awarded the honorary titles of "outstanding calligrapher and painter across the century", "Chinese artist of the world", "double chime artist of virtue and art", "outstanding achievement artist".


作品、简历编入《世界华人艺术家成就博览大典》 、《当代世界名人集》、《世界书画家协会成员作品精选》、《二十世纪中国书画名匠集》、 《上海市现代书画家名录》、《中国书画家》、《中国当代书画家名人大辞典》、《中华艺术学会亚太地区名家书画集》、《中国书画名作大观》等二百多部名人录和书画册。英国剑桥名人传记中心将她入编《国际名人传记辞典》第三十一版,与贝多芬、毕加索、诺贝尔等伟人的名字并列在一起。

Works and resumes are included in the exhibition of achievements of Chinese artists in the world, the contemporary world celebrities collection, the selected works of members of the World Association of calligraphers and painters, the 20th century Chinese Calligraphers and painters collection, the Shanghai modern calligraphers and painters list, the Chinese Calligraphers and painters, the Chinese contemporary calligraphers and painters famous dictionary, the Asia Pacific famous calligraphers and painters collection of the Chinese art society 》More than 200 famous people's records and books, such as grand view of Chinese painting and calligraphy. The Cambridge Centre for biography of celebrities in the UK has compiled her into the 31st edition of the International Dictionary of biographies of celebrities, which is tied with the names of such great people as Beethoven, Picasso and Nobel.



When Liu Haisu was 90 years old, when teacher Teng came to celebrate her birthday, Liu Haisu commented on her paintings and said they were excellent and good. She was praised as another female wizard after pan Yuliang in the East. Liu Haisu set up China's first art school for her collection of paintings free of charge, and enrolled Xu Beihong and other talented students. It can be said that he was Xu Beihong's teacher. He is very optimistic about Mr. Teng and has a high evaluation of his paintings.








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