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发布时间:2020-03-15 21:07来源:
御尚文化艺术精品赏析:御世珍藏,尚博古今! 青花龙纹玉壶春瓶 合同号:YSWHZLFW-B7037 规格:重:5.25 斤 直径:11 cm 此藏品为青花龙纹玉壶春瓶,喇叭口,口部下收成细长颈,垂腹,





规格:重:5.25 斤 直径:11 cm






This collection is jade pot spring bottle with blue and white dragon pattern, flared mouth, the mouth under the harvest slender neck, hanging abdomen, the surface glaze color of the bottle is not transparent, glaze color white, white slightly flashing blue gray, the bottle belly painted with a three-claw dragon dragon pattern is very characteristic, thin neck long body, dragon head high, the dragon head is flat long, double horn, open mouth teeth; The dragon claw is angry, the tendons are concave and convex, presenting our common sickle-shaped three claws, powerful distribution, elbow hair tail brown are flame; The bottle is exquisite in shape, simple in ornamentation, full in composition, direct in picture, highlighting the image of the dragon. In addition, blue and white porcelain also has a series of metaphorical meanings. In ancient times, scholars hoped that blue could be better than blue, so they would have a blue sky on their official career





规格:重:3k g





This collection is a blue and white vase with double earrings and twigs. It was made in Qianlong of Qing Dynasty.


China has a history of nearly ten thousand years of making and dispatching pottery. Porcelain is a great invention of the Chinese people. Like the "four great inventions", it has a profound impact on human society. And it is the most characteristic porcelain of the Chinese nation. In the long history of mankind, there is no influence of any kind of decoration type, which can reach the depth and breadth of blue and white porcelain.


Blue and white in the Qing Dynasty is known as "stable, thick, calm", using domestic blue painting. The early blue and white hair is light and elegant, with slight faintness and scattering. In the middle stage, the color is stable and bright, pure blue. In the later stage, the color is heavy and dull, without the feeling of bright and clear. Qing Dynasty blue and white also has some light description and paste blue and white, but the number is very small.


This collection has a long neck, two ears, a spherical abdomen and a ring foot. The bottle body is painted with blue and white sea water pattern for a week, the abdomen is painted with blue pattern, and the near foot is decorated with deformed lotus petal pattern. Blue and white color is rich, fetal bone is hard, glaze is clear, blue and white match each other, pattern is clear.


This bottle is a masterpiece of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. It has a dignified and beautiful shape, steady blue and white hair, elegant and smooth curve, fine painting, clear primary and secondary picture layout, and dense. The glaze color is warm and the shape is beautiful. The design of this bottle implies auspiciousness and long-term good luck. It's a clean and honest product. What's rare is that it's preserved completely. It's an important display in the hall. Great collection value!


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